
Can we get these credits updated? Sackhoff is literally in the main cast this season, Weather is a guest  star, and the less said about Carano the better.

In the mid-credits scene, when the droid activated its probe and it took off, for a few seconds that probe looked a bit like Marvin the Martian.

It was funny that HBO rescheduled The Last of Us earlier in the season so it wouldn’t go up against the Superbowl, but when the finale was going up against the Oscars they said “Bah, let it ride.”

Mando can remove his helmet whenever he wants.  He just has to go back to the Mando planet, bathe in the water, and he’s redeemed again.  It’s liking sinning and going to confessional.

“Also, when you recruit these stray Mandalorians to join our helmet-wearing cult, make sure you have helmet off when you do it.”

We already know that those 3 baby dragons will fit into Boka’s ship, so she can go back and bring them to Navaro.

It seemed obvious that the Mandalorians plan to raise those 3 baby dragons into adult dragons that have imprinted onto the Mandalorians so they can ride them into battle.

While watching that episode I thought it was setting up Pershing for the rest of the season, but now I wonder if that was a misdirect and it was actually setting up Kane instead, which is much more intersting.

That’s bad.

I need a poster-print of that picture from the credits of giant-sized Yoda (perspective-wise) charging towards those crab-creatures.

Didn’t one of the adult Mandalorians (the kid’s father?) decide that they would use darts for this training exercise? Seems like the type of training device they’d have younger Mandalorians use - they’re not going to have the younglings train with each other using blasters and flamethrowers.

I liked the Pershing story. Taken on its own, it was well done. It would make a great episode ... of a Tales of the New Republic type show. I still have no idea what it is doing in The Mandalorian though.

Did you miss the part where Elia was a spy for the New Republic? She was the one that got Pershing out of the dorms, snuck him onto the train, and into the Star Destroyer? If she hadn’t been there not only would have have never have chose to do any of that, but he wouldn’t have been able to because he would have been

Brain-washing? Using machines to change someone’s personality and make them more subservient and agreeable?

That taxi was like Checkov’s droid. He was so talkative and we spent so long listening to him spout nonsense that I was sure he would be a spy or deliver a message or something.”

It always makes me laugh uncontrollably when I read a comment from someone complaining that they read the recap/review before they watched the episode and are mad that it spoiled the episode for them.

In the book we get a lot more than what was shown of what happens *after* the Outsider is killed i.e. clearing Terry’s name. Ralph and the DA (who is much more involved with the group than in the show) conspire to clear Terry’s name. I can’t remember if they put all the blame on Jack, or just make him a co-conspirator

It’s a rule that whenever a shapechanging villain dies, it will transform through all of its previous victims while dying, even if it normally takes days/weeks to transform from one form to another.

I can’t remember the specifics, but in the book there is a fair bit after the climax of Ralph and the DA (who is much more involved with the group than in the show) conspiring to figure out how to exonerate Terry, which they do. I can’t remember if they put it all on Jack, or some unknown person, but they definitely

But that’s not what “the scratch” does to people. It’s how El Cuco chooses who it will shapeshift into next. Also, the scratched person will feel El Cuco inside its head during that transformation, but it doesn’t turn them evil or take them over, just make them feel strange - Claude says that he felt like someone was