
Didn’t Ralph obliterate El Cuco’s head when he smashed it with the rock?

I say we nuke the planet from orbit.  Only way to be sure.

I don’t think you’re remembering Jack from the novel very well. He is not liked by Ralph and most of the police force (part of Jack’s motivation for not liking Ralph is that Jack was up for a promotion years earlier and Ralph was asked for a recommendation and he wrote “no opinion” which killed it) but he’s not evil.

Give me what I want and I’ll go away.”

The scratch only means that El Cuco would transform into her, but it’s dead. So the scratch shouldn’t be anything that Holly has to worry about.

We were told earlier in the season that Jack was an expert sniper in the military.  It’s safe to assume that he picked an optimal position for shooting people in that parking lot.  And we saw them try multiple times to make a run for it, only to be shot at immediately by Jack.  They were all stuck hiding behind their

She wasn’t checking her neck for a scratch, she was checking it for “the mark” that El Cuco puts on its helpers that controls them and makes them help it. This is what Jack had on the back of his neck, and the guy Holly sees at Heath’s (?) grave.

Andy was not in the book.  He was created for the show to give Holly a love interest.

In the book Jack gets no redemption. He’s an asshole but he’s not evil - he’s just infected by the Outsider and terrified that it gave him cancer (the mark on his neck) and is willing to do anything it asks of him for it to take the cancer away. When he’s shooting at them he never stops, the snake mortally wounds him,

Ellie at 14 is mature beyond her years, more than most adults in the pre-fungal apocalypse times.

As I said, in the game Ellie doesn’t know that Marlene was even there. The fact that she mentions her in the show makes you think that they interacted, but then why didn’t Marlene tell her what they had to do and give Ellie the choice, since she tells Joel later that she knows Ellie would have agreed to it?

I know nothing about this person or this incident, but according to my math she did this when she was 17?

This reminds me of the time George W. Bush decided to run for president and he asked Dick Cheney to bring him a list of possible VP candidates. After awhile Cheney returned and Bush asked him “So, do you have a list of names?” and Cheney replied “Just one. It’s me.”

Am I crazy or did Ellie not being able to swim not mean *anything* in the show? After she tells Joel and Tess that she can’t swim, was it *ever* brought up again?

Where were the bricks?

Joel has not been a parent for 20+ years.  He is out of practice.

In the game there is a time jump of 2-3 months. Ellie meeting David up to David’s death takes place in WINTER - after David’s death we are told it is SPRING which is when the Salt Lake City scene starts.

First of all, meeting Ellie did not ‘heal’ Joel the way he might think. Ellie isn’t Sarah, and knowing her did not remove the trauma that Joel had to suffer. It’s good that he started to open up and have happy moments, there’s no doubt about it. But his daughter got shot in front of his very eyes and there’s no way

You must have dreamed this. This was never a choice in any version of the game - the PS3 version, the remastered PS4 version, or the PS5 remake from last year.

In Episode 1, Marlene intended to take Ellie to the Capitol building, but was wounded in the shootout with Robert. So she hired Joel and Tess to take Ellie.  Marlene didn’t know how badly she was wounded, or how long it would be before she could travel again, and she wanted to get Ellie to the Firefly doctors right