
In the game the fire is an accident - a lantern knocked over when Ellie is struggling with David. But in both the game and episode, at this point David is more concerned with killing Ellie than saving himself (and he half-believes that he is now infected now from Ellie’s bite).

In the game, at this point David wants to kill Ellie, not capture her alive and have her join his group. Whether he fully believes or not, he knows she is infected and now potentially he is too (a lot of people playing the game for the first time ask, when Ellie bites David, “Wait, if she bites someone do they get

As someone who read the book first, I haven’t minded most of the changes made for this series, but I’m not sure about the neck-sores being a mark of all of the Outsider’s helpers.

Shows here are graded against themselves. So an episode of another show that gets an A is not automatically better than a B- episode of this show.  The B- grade is in comparison to the previous episodes of this series only.

In the book the sores on Jack’s neck is caused by the Outsider being at the barn when he goes there - it sneaks up behind him and gently touches the back of his neck with its hand. But this has nothing to do with the Outsider marking its potential helpers - it’s specific to Jack, whose mother died from skin cancer.

So a cop has a child tell them that they saw a disfigured man in a dream, and their wife (who was there when the child told the story) sees the same man in her dream, and they’re supposed to automatically believe in a supernatural explanation based on that?

I think Terry’s family is different from the previous duplicated-people’s familys because they know Terry is innocent. I mean, they already believe it, but they have actual physical proof (fingerprints, TV footage) that he could not possibly have done this crime. So there is no possible doubt in their mind that maybe

This thing is 10 episodes, right?  It feels like they originally planned for 8 to cover the book, but HBO told them “make it 10" so they had to add all this extra material that’s not in the book - the previous victim before Heath, their “Renfield” and how the guilt affects them, etc.

Even on a low-rated network, they won’t renew a show for 3 seasons if no one is watching it.

She wasn’t lying. The “Maria” we see with Heath at the restaurant and then having sex with him was the Outsider. You can see “Maria” scratching his back while they’re having sex, just like Terry and the strip club bouncer both received scratches.

The mall security guy is conveniently a former detective with knowledge of the other case. (And a romantic dalliance out of this? Nah... Not one of King’s strong points when it comes to writing...)

The Shining literally has a haunted hotel with dozens (hundreds?) of ghosts. I don’t think that’s the King book you want to use when you list an example of one of his non-supernatural books.


This woman is a complete invention of the adaptation. In King’s novel Holly knows about this legend from some low-budget Mexican horror movies she saw many years ago (in King’s books with her, she is a big movie buff).

Am I the only one that was ... bored by this episode? I understand that it’s the first episode of the season so it has to introduce the main plot of the season, but I just kept waiting for something important to happen and then I got the end credits.

There was a lot of talk in the past few weeks wondering how this premiere would handle Mando’s plot in The Book of Boba Fett - would there be an extended “Previously on The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett” recap? Because despite what they may want to believe, there are a lot of Mando viewers that did not watch

We “saw” Mando early in S1 take off his helmet when he was eating - I think he was in the village that was being attacked by the 2-legged AT-AT.  So I would assume Mandalorians take off their helmets to eat when they’re alone and that’s fine.

But the bubble is there for Grogu to poke his head out and see what’s going on!

When Weathers told Mando that he had a droid specialist on his planet, I was sure they were going to reveal that Sedaris and her droids had moved here.

The continuing plot of S2 was Mando trying to contact the Jedi, so I’m continuously confused when people say that Luke showing up at the end of the season “ruined” the season and came out of nowhwere.