
He decided from the first episode that he hated the show and that it was his purpose to change everyone else’s minds to agree with him.

It’s hilarious to read his comments through all the S1 episodes - he was so convinced the show would bomb and that everyone would agree with him that it was bad.

I was late coming to this show - I didn’t watch S1 until after S2 was over, so it was hilarious watching S1 and reading all the comments on those episodes and reading LaurenceQ’s comments throughout that season about how this show was awful and boring and that it was going to bomb and nobody was going to like it. Even

Yes, Jack actually talks to the Outsider after he’s “marked”, and I agree that I miss that here. But I feel they left enough of that here - we see Jack talking to someone that isn’t there  - even though we don’t hear the Outsider responding we realize that Jack is talking to something supernatural.

In both the novel and this show, the story really needed someone like Holly to come in - someone unconnected to the crime who could investigate things without really caring about how what they found out would affect the people in this town/city.

In the book that “asshole senior cop” (Jack) is not that great of a person (or a cop), but he hates Anderson because he was up for a promotion and Anderson was asked about it and his official response on the application was “No Opinion” which cost Jack the promotion, so there’s animosity there which comes up in Jack’s

I read the book and for the first ~50 minutes I had no idea who this character was. I fully expected it to be revealed that he was from Holly’s family. But when Holly is searching the internet for info on Terry’s father’s nursing home she sees the story about 2 young girls being killed and an orderly from the home

In the first book she’s just one of the characters Hodges meets from the family of the Mercedes owner.  It’s not until the second book that she starts working with him.

It’s not in the book. In the book this is Heath Holmes (didn’t catch his name in this episode, if it was even given) but his story is told entirely in flashback (Holly discovers it during her investigation). He is already dead before the story starts. I think (?) he still kills himself but he hangs himself at home

Reading the novel I kept waiting for Anderson’s son to matter - he’s away at camp when the arrest/death happens, his parents decide to keep him there because of the scandal (and wanting to shield him from Terry’s supposed crime), and then he never appears. By the end of the novel I was asking myself why King even game

After Terry is shot, the cop says “Terry, you’re dying, this is your last chance, admit that you killed the Peterson boy, make a dying declaration.” And Terry smiles and says “I didn’t do it, my conscience is clear, how about yours?” and dies.

I knew he died because I read the book first, but agree that Bateman’s last scene wasn’t that clear that he had died. His head slumps to the side but he’s bleeding from the neck - he could very easily have just lost consciousness. They really need someone to say at that point “he’s gone” or for the wife to start

I’m guessing that it won’t even phase most people because hardly anyone has watched Mr Mercedes”

Doesn’t Fraser do one of those commentaries?  I can remember watching that scene and hearing him say “And right ... here is where I passed out and almost died.”

Technically, they’re the military, not cops.  In this world the military has gone from a group that fights wars in other countries to the only thing keep society together and from falling into anarchy.

Something that gets forgotten sometimes when you’re playing the game is that Ellie was born after the outbreak. She knows nothing about the pre-outbreak world except for what she’s been told or read about. So I love the reminders the game/show throws in now and then to remind you that she knows nothing of the “before

Apparently this episode was originally going to be all flashback, but HBO asked them to add in the present-day scenes of Ellie taking care of Joel.

No fungal growth: it’s a Runner.

They did dance in the DLC - xaa9ss’ version was wrong. Except for them wearing the masks while dancing, and a bunch of Infected showing up instead of just one, that scene was almost identical to what was in the DLC.

No, that’s not what happens in the DLC at all.