
That’s not Skarsgard.

I guess Ellie tied Joel to the horse and just dragged him to the suburbs like a cattle thief in 1883?”

Druckmann has said that he originally wanted Mortal Kombat in the original game but they couldn’t afford it, so they created the fake video game (The Turning). But with the show they could afford to pay to get MK here.

The game (or this episode) doesn’t come out and tell you, but it’s pretty clear that Ellie had to kill Riley once she turned.  They both expected to turn at roughly the same time, so when Riley did and Ellie didn’t, she would have attacked Ellie, leaving Ellie no chance but to kill her.

I am still holding out hope that within my lifetime there will be a remake of It that is true to the timeline of the book - the children and adult storylines run parallel, instead of seeing all the children scenes and then doing all of the adult scenes in a second part.

In the game, when describing the crashed military vehicle in Bill’s Town, Bill says that the military are the only ones still making vehicle parts.  So the military are still depending on vehicles as their primary means of transportation.

James Bond being blonde is something that the public was able to eventually get over.

There is still one left from the game where it could be a factor.” Yeah, I’m sure we are talking about the same event.

The Bill/Frank relationship in the game is completely different from the show.

All they would have had to do is add a line when you and Tess first get your backpacks saying “Good thing these things are waterproof.”

As originally written, ‘Winston was in the very beginning of the movie.”’However, the shooting script punted the character to the halfway mark, which he says ‘felt deliberate.’”

Not specific to this episode, but we’re 2/3 of the way through this season and I just realized this ...


“When did Ellie have time for horseback riding lessons (FEDRA school)? She handles her mount pretty well on the ride into Jackson.”

Holy crap, that was Marilyn from Northern Exposure? I didn’t recognize her, but now that I know, I totally see it.

Joel doesn’t say this in the game - it’s a creation for the show. In the game Joel asks Tommy to take Ellie to the Fireflies because he brought him “the cure for humanity” and that it’s Tommy’s cause (from when he was a Firefly).

And why did it take three months to get from KC to Wyoming?”

Yeah, she could have studied the hair’s DNA and made their own vaccine!

but not only was there a deviation from the source material in this episode, it’s been by far the biggest one yet”

Ellie saves Joel’s ass multiple times in the game by this point, in cutscenes”