
When they were leaving I was yelling at the screen “Joel, ask him how you find the lab when you get to the university!  Ask him what the building looks like!”

Considering that Sarah was black (or bi-racial), apparently Joel and Tommy have “a type”.

The DLC is half Ellie’s origin story and half of Ellie dealing with what happened to Joel, so it wouldn’t surprise me if they did the same thing in the next episode.

Every time in the game when Joel goes in the water I think “Well, so much for those molotovs!”

In the game when you first enter the dam and are talking to Tommy and Maria, Ellie sees a horse and mentions that she knows how to ride. You get an optional-conversation prompt and can ask her “Since when do you know how to ride a horse?” and she explains that one of the soldiers in the Boston QZ gave her lessons.

Yeah, I was also surprised that Greene was gone after the first 5-10 minutes of this episode, especially since he got a couple of lines in the original season trailer.

I didn’t see the preview for next week, but from the trailers before the show started I knew the DLC flashback was coming.  So I just assume next week will be like the DLC - half set in the past (showing Ellie’s origin) and half set in the present (how Ellie deals with Joel).

That’s not what happens at all. The ending of the movie is deliberately left vague - it never confirms if it was really the apocalypse or just a series of coincidences.  You’re left to come up with your own opinion.

Aunt May stars as Ant-Aunt!

The last time a man decided to stand up for Beyonce and publicly say that she should have won the Grammy went very well for that person, with the public not turning on them at all.  So I predict good things for Spike for taking this stand.

“I think it’s getting warmer in here.”

Sir, this is a Wendy’s the AV Club.

LOL - in the game during the Henry and Sam segments, there’s a scene where you literally jump off a bridge.

Have a scene with Ellie floating on a wooden pallet, you cowards!

I’d say that a lot of the development of Joel and Ellie’s burgeoning relationship in the game comes from their dialogue as they’re walking around.  There are cut-scenes here and there, some more impactful than others, but a lot of it comes from off-hand comments one of them makes when you look at an object, or walk

Trying not to spoil anything here.

“Don’t lump me in with Louis CK and Chappelle!  Those guys hate women!  I don’t hate women.  I hate black people!  Big difference.” (grabs crotch, spits, walks off stage to thunderous applause from the MAGA crowd)

The problem with introducing new villain characters in the show is that in the game, except for one big exception (which I won’t mention as it’s a spoiler), there are no named villains for any of the groups of humans you encounter - military or Hunters. They are just nameless groups of people working together to try

That was not confirmed on the show at all.  Sam is deaf, and Henry says that he got leukemia.  The way he said it implied that Sam was always deaf, and that it was only recently that he got leukemia.

“The tone of Season 4 was so different it felt like a completely different show, and not a good one.” The general consensus was that S04 was a return to form for the show and the best season since S01. So I’m not sure where you’re getting the “felt like a completely different show” vibe from. This *was* Stranger