
One huge benefit the game now has over the show is that it has all of the Bill/Ellie interactions, which are all gold.

Yeah, I don’t know why they put the real-world Mortal Kombat arcade game in here instead of the (fake) game The Turning.  In the game it’s a great callback when it reappears in the DLC.  But they couldn’t have had the prop department make up a fake version of The Turning?

Yeah, there are a few lines in the flashback part of episode 1 that showed that Joel/Sarah/Tommy narrowly avoided becoming infected - no pancake mix in the house, Sarah not eating the neighbor’s cookies (because they have raisins), Joel saying he’s on Atkins, Joel forgetting to pick up the cake, etc.

If you haven’t watched the episode yet, why are you going to a website that reviews this show and will be discussing it before you watch it?

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to recognize that giraffe music.

But Tess tells Joel to take Ellie to Bill and Frank at the end of episode 2, so they’re obviously working together.

It’s hilarious that there’s probably a whole generation that mostly knows her from that Simpsons episode.

It never ceases to amaze me the people who read reviews before watching the episode and then complain about being spoiled.

I was a bit disappointed that they used the real-world Mortal Kombat game and didn’t make a fake arcade game of The Turning (the one from the video game).

In the game not only is she familiar with vehicles and a seatbelt, she knows how to drive.  Bill tries to tell her how to work the clutch and she says “I know how to pop a clutch!”

While Bill and Frank are a couple in the game, there is definitely no “romance”. We get Bill’s version of their relationship - that he used to take care of his partner (Frank) but he “wisend the fuck up” and sent Frank packing. Then you find Frank’s body - Bill appears sad but does not show any remorse for how he

Cute meta gag: Ellie gushes over the Mortal Kombat arcade game.”

While this episode is amazing, I’m still sad that it means that in this series, Ellie and Frank never meet.

This is my antichrist:

Where was Gregory?  Was the actor not available?  One of the Hilltop people says “We locked him in the main house” when they’re fleeing, but he’s never seen or mentioned again.  

I have a decent (but not amazing) quality TV, and I could not see any giant horde when the camera cut to the shot of the characters looking at it.

I know this show goes on for more seasons, but this *really* felt like a series finale instead of a season finale. If you leave out the giant herd and the Maggie/Darryl/Jesus conversation, every thing is pretty wrapped up and you could stop watching and think “And they all lived happily ever after”.

The Maggie/Darryl/Jesus scene makes sense ... for Maggie and Darryl. But for Jesus, I don’t understand it. The way it was framed and having Jesus be in shadows for the last-minute reveal, and his voice be almost disguised so as to not give away who was talking - I was expecting some surprise character reveal, so in a

“the magical arrival of the Oceanside women at just the right moment, saving the day at Hilltop mere seconds before Tara and her ex-Savior helper squad were about to (presumably) get shot to pieces by the enemy.”

The convenient backfiring of the guns (I didn’t even realize that’s what happened!)“