
We see Negan shoot his revolver earlier in the episode yet somehow every single Savior manages to get Eugene’s overcooked ammo as the first round in their guns?”

We know that the Oceanside woman don’t have any guns so it makes sense for them to show up with some homemade weapons, like molotovs.

In the previous episode we saw Gregory arrive at Hilltop and be locked up by Maggie. She hands Rick the map that Gregory gave her.

Why? Ever since Glen’s death her primary goal has been to kill Negan for revenge. Why would she be onboard with Rick’s plan to not kill Negan? This makes perfect sense for her.

If Rick’s group had drove to meet Negan then Negan’s group would have heard them coming - automobiles make more noise than walking.

And i’m just a little pissed off at Rosita who doesn’t even try to apologize to Eugene for all the horrible things she said about him when it turns out he was playing the long game all along and he’s the sole reason they’re all not dead.”

Now where will I go to hear Brendan Fraser say “Motherfucker!” 2-3 times a minute?

Considering Fraser only does voice work on this show, he can literally phone it in.

As I recall, Larroquette won the Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy Emmy so many years in a role that he eventually took himself out of the running because it eventually became ridiculous.

In the original’s pilot:

Am I crazy or did they eventually reveal that Buddy was Harry’s father? If so he could easily do a cameo since he’s Abby’s grandfather.

No dance of joy for us.

The only Dan story I can remember from the original show was when a guy came into the court with a bomb strapped to him and said “If anyone makes a move then I’m going to kill Dan Fielding!” and within seconds everyone in the room (including the main cast) ran for the exits.

“That’s right. It’s us.”

But he’s feeling much better now.

“Is the idea of a Zombie Siesta new in z lore? When the undead aren’t actively chasing lunch or out for a nice shamble, do they take a grumbly disco nap?”

Darryl was distracted by some Walkers so Eugene put his fingers in his throat and vomited on Rosita, distracting her. He ran way to an area with lots of piles of ashes (presumably from burned Walkers). Darryl and Rosita saw footprints leading away so they followed them, but Eugene had hid in one of the ash piles.

I guess he’s sick now, but still.”

Aaron has been living in those woods for 3 (?) days with probably little to no food or water - the Oceanside women mention this in the episode.  He is weaker than he usually is and that’s why he has trouble fighting off these walkers.

Tess is not being violated here.  She’s already infected, so it doesn’t matter that this Infected is spreading the fungus to her.  She’s using this opportunity to take out as many Infected as she can.  She’s playing for time by not fighting back against the Infected so it gives her enough time to light the lighter and