
I’m surprised that no one in the comments for this episode (or the previous one) is talking about the opening of the previous episode, showing Negan (presumably at the Saviors’ compound with Simon and Dwight - both appearing to be kneeling - and the presumption that Negan was about to kill one/both of them.

The most upsetting thing about this is that we won’t get to see NCIS:LA cast members appear on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert where Colbert will eventually ask them “Why so much naval crime?”

Yes, they are the only 2, along with the lead actress (Daniela Rueh?) who have been on since the first episode.

Carl’s note to Rick should be one of these:

I don’t think Henry believed Morgan at all - his reaction looked like he knew that Morgan was just lying to him to stop him from looking for revenge.

Not only no guard, but not a single person with insomnia or night terrors or awake because the person next to them is snoring. Everyone out so cold they don’t hear a body fall down a full flight of stairs.”

Exactly. So many people complaining that the show is changing the rules about Walkers and how long it takes for someone to turn are obviously not paying attention, as the show established this way back in season 1 and has been pretty consistent over the seasons.

The first time we see her, we literally see her husband feeding her biscuits.

Not officially but that’s the rumor. Page at the time spoke out about how they had “stolen” her likeness for the character, which Naughty Dog denied, but once you think about it, it’s impossible not to see.


Negan obviously never saw the Godfather. He is running a protection racket and seems to think Rick and Maggie can be reasoned with.”

This episode began with closeups of Negan, Simon and Dwight, and even seeing just that scene it looked like both Simon and Dwight were being held on the ground before Negan who was pronouncing judgement on them. And then the rest of this entire episode was the obligatory “12 hours earlier” part to explain how we had

They were both in a location neither had been in before, and they were in the dark. It’s not surprising that neither of them could find the other for so long.

When Negan was searching in the dark for Lucille, I legitimately expected him to find her but touch the wrong end and (a) cut his hands on the barbed wire, and (b) get infected with the walker-guts he had smeared on her.

Agreed.  I was sure that Rick and Negan weren’t going to meet again until the season finale, so I was legitimately surprised that we got this in this episode.

It’s a nitpick but I didn’t like how Tess doesn’t kill Robert here. In the game she and Joel capture Robert, they’re talking to him, and once Tess realizes they’re not going to get their guns back from him (they bought guns from Robert but he stiffed them) she just shoots him and kills him. If you didn’t already

When Joel and Tess were moving the cover to the tunnel I was yelling at the TV “Press triangle!”

When we first see that old lady, the man feeding her mentions that she goes into the city for treatment every (?) day.  That’s how she got infected.

I appreciate that it got straight into things rather than decompress and go slow as absolute fuck.”