
Yeah, this felt kind of like other shows where a character hasn’t been seen for at least a season and their death is announced and the viewers never see the body, and the real reason is that the producers wouldn’t have to pay the actor to make a final appearance, even if just as a corpse.

Pretty sure I’ve heard that doing only 2 seasons was Tony Gilroy’s idea.  Best to trust the show-runner when deciding how long he can do a quality show like this one.

when he ripped the tractor beam to pieces I was whooping at the screen”

That is his collapsible walking stick. We saw him use it in the first 3-episode arc where Luthen came to Ferrix to meet Cassian.

That wasn’t a throwaway line - it was a key piece of dialogue in the last scene in the previous episode - where the doctor explains to Cassian and Serkis what had happened. He literally tells them that a prisoner was “released” from one level but got accidentally sent to another level, then word got out, and that

I’ve never seen the new series of “____ of the Apes” movies but in the original ones from the 1970s they mentioned more than once that the apes couldn’t swim.  So because this was Serkis I immediately thought of that.

There were a lot more guards than prisoners.  Even if they had stopped to steal the guards’ boots, only a small fraction of prisoners would have gotten footwear.  Besides, they were more interested in getting out of the prison than getting something on their feet.

Maybe one of the levels is for all of the prisoners who have had their sentences extended. So when you show up there and tell everyone “Guess what, my sentence ended but they just gave me a new sentence and moved me to this level” everyone therewill tell you “Yeah, that’s what happened to *all* of us here.”

This is the same guy that commented on every Mandalorian season 1 episode here saying that the show was awful and that everyone was wrong for liking it. You could literally feel his annoyance as that season went on about the positive reaction to that show and how he felt that everyone was wrong except him.

Could have been worse:

I think it was after Cassian’s first night in prison. He gets told how his cell works, he lays down, there’s a closeup of the number of days left on his screen, then it’s morning but we get the onscreen caption saying “30 SHIFTS LATER”.

He can’t help it. He spent the entire Mando season 1 comments section saying the show was awful and that Star Wars fans would agree with him and reject it. Even in this show’s comments where he’s tried to pretend he was never that negative about it, he still uses every opportunity to bash other Star Wars series.

The flashback of Clem’s death was heartbreaking, but having seen Monty Python’s Life of Brian I couldn’t help but laugh. I kept thinking of when the criminals were carrying the crucifixes on the street, and one person goes to help one of them, and that criminal takes off, and then the guards tell the helpful guy to

I think 1 & 2 should have been combined into one episode: very, very little happens in them (it’s all exposition, and not even very dramatic exposition at that). Episode 3 is really great with some of the best action sequences in Star Wars ever”

So far we’ve had two separate arcs in eps 1-3 and 4-6, with both eps 3 and 6 feeling like finales.

A little moment that I liked but also made me sad was the Imperials proudly mentioning how they added some “way-stations” along the Aldhani native’s route to reduce their numbers. Obvious allusions to early European visitors to America providing the Native Americans alcohol (and smallpox).

One of the biggest problems with Solo is that everything we learned about Han Solo’s backstory in the original trilogy apparently all happened within the same week.

I also thought that maybe the natives were planning their own attack, with them burning the goat skin indicating “Ok, we’ve had enough, this is where we attack.” Glad they didn’t go through with that - the day the natives choose to rebel just happens to be the day of the actual rebel’s heist.

Yeah, when Cassian says “hold on” I just accepted it like “hold on, I’m about to floor it” and everyone else would be “woohoo, we’re flying now, we made it!” But no, actual physics came into play - if you weren’t strapped down when Cassian “floored it”, you would be flown backwards in the ship, and everything not