
I also noticed that Skeen was asked to “cover me” and he only fired a couple of shots and then went back to hiding, which led to the other guy getting shot.  An early sign that he is not all-in on the rebellion as he claims, perhaps?

I remember reading an interview with Lucas (or maybe it was one of the Phantom Menace DVD extras/commentary) that said there was only one shot in that movie that didn’t have any CGI in it. I think it was at the beginning when Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are in a meeting room and the Trade Federation turns on the gas to knock

but the shark barely shows up in Jaws”

The only time I felt a real fear at seeing an AT-AT was in Rogue One when they come out of the woods in the climax.  Maybe it was just the way that scene was shot but I got a real “Oh no it’s something to be scared of” feeling I never had before in any other AT-AT appearances.

No mention of Cassian shaving off his beard?

When Marvel was doing the Star Wars comics after the first film came out, there was a story called “The Day After The Death Star” (or something like that) where Luke is on some minor mission and gets attacked by a Stormtrooper. He manages to defeat him in physical combat, and just as he’s about to kill him by crushing

“The Mandalorian isn’t terrible”  Oh man, I’m getting whiplash from your back-pedaling!

When Bix shows up at Timm’s home and they spend the night together, I was wondering ... is this the biggest reference to actual sex we’ve seen in Star Wars?

If you can’t bother to stay awake during the first episode of a new series that is only ~30 minutes long then I think that says more about you than that episode.

Even before season 1 aired it had been announced that there would only be 2 seasons of this show.  There was never any talk about 3 seasons.


Stellan Skateboard saying”

At least Hypno-Huslter has had multiple appearances - up into the double-digits.

Just to let everyone know, Hypno-Hustler first appeared in an issue titled ... (wait for it) ... “Spider-Man Night Fever”.

Where are all the vampires???

“but if Jen was going to rewrite her ending, couldn’t she have included a little more action in that regard?”

It’s the MCU - they can easily have a needle that painlessly takes a blood sample from someone.

This does make sense, just like it did in the comics. She-Hulk would often talk to the readers/writers and it worked because *she* was aware that she was in a comicbook. When other heroes guest-starred in her book they didn’t know what she was talking about or who she was talking to, and it worked there, and it would

Yeah, there were multiple times in She-Hulk’s comic where another hero would guest-star and She-Hulk would talk to the reader and the guest-star would not understand what was happening?  “Who are you talking to?  What do you mean, ‘we’re in a comic book’?”

The ending recognizing a bad plot and going meta to correct it is She-Hulk 101 right out of the comics.