
Intelligencia would see Emile as (a) a man, and (b) someone who earned his powers (volunteered for an experiment in the military).

Todd will have an off screen trial and that is all we get for our trouble. Remember when Riley punched Parker on Buffy? I needed that.”

I literally thought it was that OB clip at first as well.

Seriously. I liked that character and the actress was good, but the reviews acted like this was an A-list actor who was wasted in this role. This was an enjoyable recurring character that was never intended to be in the regular supporting cast.

I was waiting for a courtroom summation or something also”

Apparently someone didn’t understand what show they were watching and wanted a typical Marvel superhero show.

Apparently the show-runner said that if they had known how great Madisynn would be and the public’s reaction to her they definitely would have brought her back for the finale.

Him spraying the reporters with the hose was a highlight, even during a drought.

At first I literally thought they used that actual clip from OB when they were looking at it on Nikki’s phone.

GalvaTron Guy was obviously calling her “Lady Hulk” as a reference to the Intelligencia guys talking about the Jane Foster Thor and calling her “Lady Thor”.

I did crack up at Titania showing up randomly, but kind of wish they’d had a throwaway line of what she was doing there.”

Pretty sure Todd was not gay. He says that Pug is hot but that is more of a “dude-bro” admiring the handsomeness of another “dude-bro”.

There was no fight in Jen’s rewritten ending. As she has said multiple times this season, this is not a Marvel superhero show, it’s a legal comedy. Jen wanted to resolve all the plots through the law, not by punching someone.  In her new ending she doesn’t punch Todd, she sues him and has him arrested.

LOL at this episode being “a dud” when the main character literally breaks the fourth wall, exits the episode, and talks to the writers.

Audience:  “I don’t think any of us saw that coming.”

Blonsky should have been either in on the Intelligencia, or duped into appearing.”

Have Deadpool be doing some “talking to the audience” and then Jen pops in and says “Hey, stop copying me. I was doing that years before you showed up.”

Agreed. All of these people saying that there should have been more action in the finale weren’t paying attention during the rest of the season where Jen told us that she didn’t want to be a superhero, that this was a legal show and not a Marvel action show.

We’re also to believe he’s going all Abomination for this group for cash without questions? How does that even work? Earlier in the season, as soon as his inhibitor thingy is removed authorities are notified instantly”

Apparently within a day (?) of the finale airing they went back and changed “K.E.V.I.N” to “Kevin” in the subtitles because they saw people complaining about this online.