
This was very consistent with all of Leia’s scenes pre-Obi-Wan’s death in ANH.

When Ben was dealing with Leia, we needed him to quote Han here (or pre-quote him, since this takes places before ANH):

Han does call the Jedi a “hokey religion” in ANH.

After the mediocrity of The Mandalorian ...

In ROTJ she says that she only remembers “images, feelings” of her real mother, which makes no sense since Padme died immediately after Leia was born.

At least when Obi-Wan “gave up” he still fulfilled a purpose - he kept an eye on Luke and planned to eventually train him.

Or plot pothole.

Just assume that “Kenobi” is the “Smith” of the Star Wars universe.

Barry was surprisingly good ag playing the evil Reverse Flash around Damian.

Things that happened/were different in this alternate timeline:
- Ryan marries Sophie, and they’re ready to adopt.
- Alex is still married to Kelly (not that surprising but I expected her to mention that she was a widower or divorced, just for shock value).
- Ray, Nate and Sara were all killed by the “Reverse Flash”.

The episode said that Thawne had gone back in time multiple times, causing multiple anachronisms. He caused himself to be hit by lightning, Iris fell in love with him, he became the Flash, Barry became the Reverse-Flash, etc.

God, I love Damien Darhk. Neil McDonough is a delight, and Darhk himself is right next to Thawne and Snart in the pantheon of Arrowverse villains.”

Why does Barry need to run around the whole world to time travel instead of doing laps inside STAR Labs?”

I didn’t catch that on first watch, as I usually zone out during the titles. It was Chester having the dreadlocks during his segment that made me realize “Oh, maybe they changed the titles” and rewatch them.  Nicely done, show.

Yeah, I wanted at last a throwaway line of him saying “Wait, you’re not Batwoman, where’s Kate?”

To be fair, Caitlin losing her husband was way back in season 1, long before Cecile met her or any of Team Flash. I’m sure she heard about it as she grew to know everyone, but it wasn’t something she was around for, so when she thinks about who Caitlin is, losing her husband isn’t something she automatically thinks of.

I was waiting for Iris to yell at her “You knew him for a few years - I knew him my entire life!”

Tom Cavanagh’s name was in the end credits of this episode with a “Special Guest Star” credit.

I groaned when Bishop returned this season and thought he was going to be the main villain again this season. But I really enjoyed what they did with him in this episode - not just explaining this season’s main plot, but last season’s as well. It actually makes me like last season (and Bishop’s plan there) a little

So long!  We’ll all miss you!