
Even if you think that the managing editor doesn’t have the experience for the job, no professional reporter is going to ignore their assignments given to them by that managing editor and report on whatever story they choose to.

I think we have a future How Did This Get Made episode here.

At the end of this episode I fully expected the camera to pull back and reveal that they were surrounded by dinosaurs, and for Sara to say “And we definitely are not in 1925.”

Yeah, that shot of the interracial couple was pretty obvious, considering it was right at the moment that Nate pulled back the curtain to look outside and the couple walked by at just that moment. It was very noticeable.

I legitimately LOL’d when they kissed and only one person awkwardly applauded, and then Sara said “We’re not sisters!” and everyone cheered/applauded.

Remember when Gary had that crush on the werewolf?

I’m wondering what the in-universe explanation was for Ryan being made Wayne CEO. Kate I can understand - she was Bruce’s cousin. But Ryan has no connection to Bruce or Wayne Enterprises, and has no business experience. Plus she’s an ex-con and was homeless a year ago. How exactly did the public (or anyone in the

How exactly was Marc supposed to submit the scarab into evidence when he didn’t have it?

Was it just me or was Ava completely unlikable for the first half of this episode? I guess they decided that one of the three of Ava/Spooner/Gideon had to be against the plan of saving Gideon and jumping to all of these memories, but she was so antagonistic towards all of Spooner’s ideas.

Not having Matt Ryan feels weird, seeing as he’s still part of the cast.”

Someone else suggested that Constantine wasn’t included because the actor has grown a beard for his new character appearing later this season and he’d have to shave it off for these flashbacks.

She mentioned it in 2 episodes.

Thank you! With all that “barista” jokes in the comments here over the years, it’s like everyone is suffering from the Mandela Effect and thinking that she said that she was a barista multiple times an episode, when she only actually said it twice.

When Steven is talking to Layla in his apartment he mentions his mother and she has a bit of a reaction.  I was expecting her to say there (or in a later episode) “But Marc, you don’t have a mother”, or “Your mother died 10 years ago”.

I enjoyed (not sure if that’s the right word) this episode pointing out Hoover’s bigotry and how he (and society) targeted certain groups of people at this time. And how Astra and Spooner pointed out how the two of them, as people of color, would have trouble in this period.

Ray can rehab anybody.

I thought he might turn out to be Frank Nitti.

I loved Ava saying they were only stealing $93.67 (?) because that’s all they needed to get to New York.  And the teller saying that he had that amount there and didn’t need to go to the vault to get it.  So many great little moments like this.