
Obligatory “Where are the rest of the actresses from the show in that cast photo?” comment.

(monotone voice) Oh no. Come back Kanye. We all love you. We want you to perform. Don’t go.
Is he gone? Phew.

This isn’t actually a given, since they cancelled NCIS:  New Orleans last season.

Peter quickly stops appearing as Peter and is Spidey full-time as he tries to find a cure.  Eventually he gets an image-inducer (?) from Reed Richards (I think) that “cloaks” his extra arms so he can appear as Peter.  But the issue ends with him accepting his new appearance (as Spider-Man, at least) and becoming an

If you think that Superman should kill Lex then you really don’t understand Superman.

She’s going to school and participating in a baking contest.  Would a 5-year-old be doing that?

When the ship blew up I also thought Mitch was dead, and was surprised that J’onn didn’t try to save him, since he was had knocked out Mitch and knew he would die when he and Supergirl realized the auto-destruct was about to go off.

You read my mind.

I was surprised that Wynn got mentioned when Brainy was talking to the 31st century and thought when the camera shifted to what Brainy was looking at we’d actually see Wynn.

That time-travel two parter was so good, and young Kara was so great in it, that when I read your comment I thought you were wrong about Benoist not being in those episodes.  It was like I thought Benoist had played her younger self there.

So, William was supposed to attend the party, but Brainy has been showing his green skin so much to hide his human identity, but presumably, if William had attended the party, Brainy would have still been his human skin so... what was the point again?”

You’d think someone there would at least suggest contacting Kara’s cousin for assistance.”

Morbius is most infamous for being the reason Spidey keeps his extra arms in a What If issue. Before he meets Spidey for the first time he is weak from killing people on a boat so when he flies across the ocean he is dripping blood (from his victims) which attracts sharks, and he’s too weak to fight them off, and they

Morlun was pretty good in his first appearance (although Spidey saying “I’ve never been hit that hard before” after Morlun hits him is a bit hyperbolic, considering he’s been hit by the Hulk). But it’s all downhill in his future appearances.

Come on, commenters, you let me down!

Jeers to the show for including Jon Cryer in the “Special Guest Star” credits at the start of the episode. I understand that actors need to be properly credited, but there is precedent for including them in the end credits, especially when their appearance is (a) supposed to a surprise, and (b) comes at the end of the

I kind of appreciate that the show is taking time for Lena to learn her witch powers. After she discovered she was a witch I fully expected that in the very next episode she would be at full strength with her abilities fighting alongside the Superfriends like she had been doing it for years. In reality she should be

So Kara cannot combine her ‘civilian’ life with her superhero one. But did she ever??”

How do these people earn money?”

is this the first time we’ve had the ‘My name is Kara Zor-El’ pre-show speech this season?” When I saw that I thought my PVR had recorded the wrong episode, or they had re-aired an episode from a few seasons back. I can’t remember the last time they had this intro.