
When William grabbed the totem from Nxly, I was sure this was going to be the show’s way to give him powers and have him join the Superfriends.

I was really confused by the timeline between this episode and the previous one. This one starts with Kelly and Alex talking about how they have adopted* Esme and they list all of the steps they had to go through and they say “6 months”. Does this mean it’s been 6 months since the previous episode? Or that it will

Considering that Alex wanting kids is the reason she broke up with Maggie, I’m sure that Alex talked about wanting a child all the time when she’s with Kelly.

This episode has multiple instances of Lena saying that “magic” is actually unexplainable science. She is definitely not “on board with magic being a real thing” and was constantly trying to explain it away via science.

IIRC the show came up with the “Alex wants a child” thing to explain why Maggie (?) was leaving the show.  They had to come up with a reason why they would break up.  I don’t think before this Alex ever showed any interest in having a child.  So kudos for remembering this and doing something with it.

The foster mother had just seen Esme breathe fire at a rioter.  She assumed that Esme would be able to do that on command so she thought she could protect them.

Also, all everyone did was fight each other? Nobody broke any windows or destroyed any property? LOL.”

Considering how many other Arrow-verse shows have had a character needlessly keep a secret from everyone for multiple episodes that causes unnecessary drama, I’ve appreciated how both Nia and Lena have had a secret, took an episode to ruminate on it, and then reveal it to Kara.

I prefer the idea that the dragon was a normal iguana but when infused with 5th dimensional courage it was able to evolve into a dragon because it was now brave enough to do so.

“Vaya ... con dios!”

I liked the livestream and agree that it was given too little screentime (no pun intended). Especially since Kara got a negative question/feedback and had to immediately leave to save someone - there should have been some ramifications from that, like the public thinking that she faked that excuse to leave because she

At this point we’ve seen Supergirl fight plenty of physical villains, so it’s a nice change of pace for her to fight someone that she can’t just physically beat up.

I like how quickly Kara thought to call Mxy.”

Regarding Maeve, I had to think to remember who that character was. I remember that Nia had a sister who was supposed to get the powers but I can’t remember her being mentioned at all since then, so her suddenly being so important to Nia just seems to come out of nowhere. I understand that this could have been

How is Mitch able to arrive on Earth to kidnap imps if there’s a mass of magic mushrooms that’s supposed to protect Earth from aliens?” Didn’t they say on LoT that the mushrooms protect from alien invasions, not a single alien coming to Earth? Of course that calls into question previous alien invasions in this series

I knew that Mxy appeared in this season but I feel that the show made a mistake by putting Thomas Lennon’s name in the Guest Starring credits at the start of the episode.  So the entire episode I was waiting for him to appear, and when we got the to the Supergirl/Kara showdown at the end I knew he was going to show

Is it just me or has Nia’s desire to reconnect with her mother come out of nowhere? I guess it’s because of her Phantom-vision in the Phantom Zone, but before then she seemed ok with her mother’s death. Yes, she was sad when she died, but she got over and wasn’t obsessing over it for a long time - not like she was in

North of 60!

I forget... does Kelly have any fighting skills whatsoever? Also... how does being The Guardian help Kelly made a difference...? She’ll be an unpowered hero wearing a full body mask in a city with multiple super-powered beings who regularly fight super-powered enemies.”

I noticed that Alex was pouring 2 glasses of wine before Kelly arrived home, and she seemed surprised by her arriving at that moment, like “Oh, you’re home.”  So why was she pouring a glass of wine for Kelly then?  I understand that they wanted the two of them to be drinking wine on the couch while talking, but this