
Loki is as strong as any Asgardian (or Frost Giant - however that works) but he’s never been portrayed as a good fighter.  In the beginning of the first Thor movie we see Thor, Loki and the Warriors 3 invade the Frost Giant planet - Loki mostly uses magic and stays hidden, while everyone else engages in physical

As Diseases of Gene Hackman mentioned, he was getting his daggers back.  Mobius gave them to him in the previous episode, and the TVA agent said “Hell no!” and took them away.  She put them in her locker, which is the locker Loki was looking at here.  You see him with both daggers the next time we cut back to Loki.

I was pausing during the elevator scene to read all of the labels next to each elevator button, trying to figure out if they meant anything.

There’s always one.

Loki is supposed to be an intelligent and cunning mastermind, so of course he’d go blundering straight at a group of armed people. I get he’s arrogant, but that’s just stupid. Which he isn’t.”

Agreed.  This is the Loki that, when confronted by the Hulk, proceeds to yell at him and berate him, not realizing what an incredibly bad decision that is.

This portrayal feels like if we revisited Wilson’s Hutch 20 years after that movie.

The music during that “Indy talks to the G-Men” conversation really helps that scene.

I would say the last third of season 1 (after the Winter Soldier tie-in) is great too.

Justice for Kramer vs. Kramer.

Wait... how did Joe survive? Last week, the car exploded with the doors closed and I’m pretty sure there were heads and bodies inside the windows.”

Based on his Spider-Man/Human Torch mini-series - which was loved by everyone - Slott seemed like the perfect choice to write Spider-Man.  How wrong we all were.  How did we know that we’d get 10 years of bad fan fiction (“hey, what if Peter Parker became a billionaire businessman?”) and many stories that proved that

Haven’t watched this yet but I’m assuming Clint having a hearing aid is a reference to when the character went nearly deaf in the comics in a Hawkeye mini-series in the 1980s (?). It almost causes him to miss out on hooking up (and eventually marrying) Mockingbird.

The “Black Cat becomes a supervillain” wasn’t caused by her hooking up with Matt. It was caused by terrible writing and characterization by Dan Slott, who proved that in 10 years of writing ASM the only female character he could write well was Anna-Maria Marconi - a character he created.

While I loved Nick Spencer’s ASM run (up until the ending), I kind of wish he hadn’t had to spend so much of his time fixing terrible and awful mistakes done by Dan Slott in the previous 10 years.

Do we know yet why this show is called Prodigy? I fully expected that to be the name of the found ship, but that’s the Protostar. I don’t remember the word “prodigy” being said by anyone.

and The Lower Decks offered affectionate parody of familiar Trek tropes before learning to use those tropes to its own advantage,”

Lower Decks is the rare Trek show where I actively dislike the main character. I found nothing likable or redeemable about her in season 1. I’ve seen comments saying she grew, especially in season 2, but I must have missed that where she blamed Boimler for taking a promotion to get on the Titan when she knew that his

The Enterprise series tried to do the whole “let’s not include ‘Star Trek’ in the show title” thing and that didn’t work. True, there were other problems with ENT in its first two seasons (they added ‘Star Trek’ in season 3) but I think I read that that they said not calling it “Star Trek: Enterprise” was a mistake.

This season did the best it could with Ruby Rose leaving, but they should have either (a) recast the role and not mention the different actor, or (b) kill Kate Kane and have her stay dead and move on with a new character