
“Awesome, I don’t give a shit” means “I made a comment and don’t want anyone to respond pointing out what I said was wrong”.

In Raimi’s defense, he did not want Venom in SM3.  That was all Avi Arad because “the kids love Venom!”  He wanted it to be just Sandman and Harry/Goblin, which would have been a much better movie without so much plot crammed into it.

Saying “they died fighting Spider-Men” makes it sound like either Spider-Man killed them during a fight.

2 and 1 page. :)

This is an extremely cold take, but with each trailer I kept asking myself “The original was a comedy - is this supposed to be a comedy?”  From the reviews I’ve seen, it appears that they decided not to make a comedy for “reasons”.

The fact that JMS wanted to take his name off of OMD because of how bad it was makes me give him a lot of credit.

Spidey didn’t kill any of these villains in previous films.

Spider-Man doesn’t kill people?

No, but the films kill them off. Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Venom - all killed off at the end of their films. Goblin makes sense since it happened in the comics, but killing off these iconic villains does not make sense.

It started on the last page of ASM #100 and he lost the extra arms in #102.  So just 2 issues.

At the time this came out DC had lots of books where entire issues were presented as “an imaginary tale”.  This was Marvel saying “this is really happening” and also taking a shot at DC by saying “we don’t make up fake issues, our stories actually happen in our continuity.”

Silvermane’s Head in Superior Foes of Spider-Man is one of the best parts of a hilarious book.

As soon as it was announced that Gwen was appearing in ASM1, Spidey fans were already counting down the moments until she died.

Sin’s Past has been retconned by Nick Spencer, so it now never happened.

I feel bad that Doc Ock and Sandman, who reformed at the end of their films, are seemingly evil here for (as far as we know) no reason.

At least it gave us this great scene:

Sin’s Past was JMS’s idea. He wanted the twins to be Peter’s. But Marvel (Quesada) said that would age the character, to have Peter not only have children but adult children. So instead of scrapping the story, JMS altered it to make Norman be the father, even though that didn’t make sense.

There’s a Deadpool issue in Joe Kelly’s run where he time travels back to the 1960s and takes over Peter Parker’s life for an issue, and he keep making comments about Harry and Norman’s “crazy hair”.

And the fans loved it, because Sins Past was a terrible idea, and on the list of things that Spencer might undo, Sins Past was not in the top half of the list.

In Doc Ock’s defense, Aunt May had inherited an island that had a nuclear power plant on it, so he was only marrying her to get access to that plant.