
I do not think Ridley Scott knows what the word “superhero” means.


Assuming that Lawrence was willing to turn over prisoners to June/Canada but now regular Gilead prisoners (i.e. Hannah).

A lot of parents who choose to try to have a baby, especially their first, don’t tell anyone. They don’t want to get their friends’ and family’s expectations up so they’ll be asking “Are you pregnant yet?” over and over.

It looked like that was Nate’s plan.  He steeled up and was just standing there.  It looked like he wanted the worm to eat him.

I’ve thought about it since I posted the original comment, and I’ve realized that Shan and Liana are both equally to blame.

It’s no joke. The secret scene is online. Apparently Heather thought this was a good strategy to turn her tribe against someone - make up a dream that paints Sydney as untrustworthy, and then claim it’s proof that your subconscious picked up on the fact that Sydney is untrustworthy.

This movie feels like someone learned there was a movie called “All About Eve”, didn’t know anything about it, and said “Hey, what if we make a movie called All About *Steve*?  Huh?  Huh?” and high-fived everyone in the room.

I’m still waiting for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Hamlet.

Which of the new Head of the Class cast will be the overweight one who goes through weight-reduction surgery between seasons?

Stop trying to make “Game Breakers” a thing. It’s not gonna happen!

You make it sound like Liana sabotaged herself by telling her alliance about her KiP advantage, but that’s not what happened.

Like, if you have ANY insight into why she voted for Sydney in that situation, you’re lying.”

Meanwhile Nundercover sits on the shelf.

There are two kinds of people - those that think “only 5 really good films” is a low number, and those that think it’s a high number.

“I’m willing to speak with you as long as you agree to my conditions. One, you’re wrong and I’m right.  Two, I don’t have to learn anything or change my mind. And three, I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing.”

Wait - there’s a Law & Order UK?  How have I never heard of this before?

Pretty sure that most adaptations of Superman (or histories in the comics) have Clark leaving Smallville as a teenager, building the fortress, and staying there for years to learn his powers.  Yes, he loves his mom, but he understands that his destiny is to be something greater than some Joe Schmo living in

“1. How long was Clark gone? He was a teenager when he left home and he returned as an adult.”

I hope Clark at least called to check in on his mom during those nine years away.”