
Of all the series’ to post GRC was the first one you could think of? I can’t think of a more colossal money pit of uselessness than GRC. There’s no way that series comes anywhere close to even sniffing a profit. The only reason I can think of that the series still exists is because millionaires have conned other

For a country that I hear about all the time for their nanny state mentality and over the top health and safety regulations, I expected a little smarter positioning than putting a camera stand directly up against a guardrail.

Went straight to the comments hoping to see this, was not disappointed.

Nah, they just talked about it on the NBC show that aired on Sunday afternoon. Another issue they had was the supports for the take off ramp weren’t firm enough so they made the bottoming out on take off issue worse.

This guy asks the real hard hitting questions haha

The bigger issue was actually bottoming out on the take off ramp and scrubbing off a significant amount of speed. The suspension compressed so hard from the angle of the ramp and the speed they were carrying on the first attempt that the truck just barely made their test gap (which I believe was 250 feet but I could

That’s a good question to be answered by people far more intelligent than myself. I guess maybe with some air vents molded into the body work? It’s a lot of surface area to deal with where wind can potentially cause a blow over.

Now playing

There’s a 2 hour documentary on the lead up to this jump. Much like the jump it was a total calamity that was doomed from the start. Quite entertaining though. I’ll have to see if I can find a link. I think it was on YouTube.

Crappy source but only one I know of off hand. I imagine the full episode will be up on one of Red Bull’s sites

His crash was shown at the very end of the Red Bull show on NBC Sunday. It was a nasty blowover crash from air getting up under the hood. The truck landed roof first and then cartwheeled. Amazing he came away with only a broken shoulder.

Why on earth would you set them up like that? You’d be much better off just ditching the rears and using your speakers in a 3.1 or 2.1 configuration on your desk. That’s going to sound like a complete mess if you actually feed it a 5.1 audio source.

Also, I’m a previous z-5500 owner myself and I definitely wouldn’t

Why on earth would you set them up like that? You’d be much better off just ditching the rears and using your

Seriously how does this not have more stars yet?

I’m curious of that as well. When I’ve set finish line cameras for Monster Jam where the finishes are going to be side by side I try to make the line on the floor start where the finish line is (the actual line is razor thin while we have about a one foot wide flour line to give an idea where it is). We use a photo

Interesting. I’ll have to pass that along to some of my managers who book our travel when we work the Angel Stadium Monster Jam’s. For the number of people the company flys in for every show it may be worth if if they saved a lot of cash overall versus flying most of us into SNA or a few into LAX.

My only gripe with RDU is one time I parked my car around the parking deck and didn’t realize that the letters for the rows continued beyond the ramp that go up to the other levels. I spent probably a half hour looking for my car not realizing there was still more to Row J or whatever letter it was beyond the ramp.

I’ve flown into/out of Lansing a couple times when working in Michigan. Such an unfamiliar feeling to get to the airport and be the only person going through security and get to the gates and only see a handful of other people in the airport. I didn’t have trouble finding a spot to hook up my power cable for my laptop

Just don’t fly out early without pre-check. Had the horrible misfortune of a 6am flight after working an event in Nashville until 1am. Stood in the security line for over an hour. Otherwise my Nashville experience was pretty pleasant. Cool city that I’d definitely like to visit more thoroughly in the future.

Flown out of SNA a couple times when working in Anaheim. Not a bad little spot. Don’t have to go far from your gate to find anything which is convenient.

I’m not the biggest fan of PHL for sure but the updated regional terminal (F?) isn’t bad. Plenty of food options at least. I just hate when I have to go to another terminal from there with having to jump on the bus and all that running around.

Dangerous European gangs and ransom. Hmmmm. Wonder if Bernie will get sent a toe soon?