
It’s a shame, you know? This judge had such a bright judiciary career in front of him, it is just a shame that this one little verdict will mess up his entire future.

It’s legal to donate a kidney, but not for someone to cut a kidney out of you without your consent. I think that’s the kind of law that should be in effect here.

Looking at homeless people IS gross but I don’t see him putting forth any solutions. Luckily I actually have a plan for that problem!!!

Horrible Histories has taught me that The Tudors were indeed the grubbiest motherfuckers of all.

Since Albert Einstein first predicted their existence a century ago

Yes! Just a little smile and then he just kept watching.

The only time this happened to me I was on a flight to Korea and had the window, while a kindly old Korean woman had the isle. We exchanged pleasantries (nods, es she didn’t speak much english) and I silently helped her untangle her earphones. After the plane took off and we both realized there was no one to sit

I have a Skyla and I love it so much. I tell all my friends to get iuds. i tell people at parties to get iuds. IUDs are the fricken’ best.

I work at a women’s clinic where we implant Mirena (and other IUDs) and honestly we generally see one of two things: you absolutely love it and have no or minor side effects and it’s the best thing in the world ever and everyone should get one because it's life changing, or you absolutely cannot tolerate it and need

I think I need to listen to this song again. it’s been too many years.

mine expelled itself

This what infuriates me about state mandated or even OBGY in mandated drug testing during pregnancy. I know some OBs say they’ll test at your first appointment. Like you’re not suppose to have agency of your body even before you were pregnant? If your’re showing signs of a serious drug problem going into the 2nd

Yeah, the fuckers at the health centre told me it would be “mild discomfort” and I could make my 10am class after they observed me for 10 minutes. I did NOT fall for that the second time, though I did drive myself home that time.

It’s my favorite family member.

Damn, girl! To anyone thinking of getting an IUD, be kind to yourself and take the day off to lie on the couch with a heating pad.

schlubs. schlubs aint gonna get no love from me...hanging out the side of ya best mans ride tryin to holla at me.

good luck bb! May your eggs drop timely and the sperm swim strong and true.

Yeah, we researched this thoroughly when we started trying. My wife and I are sensible people who would never endanger an unborn child, but we’re also, y’know, fun. Women have a pretty decent window between conception and the point at which they have to knock off the partying. Anyone who’s trying (and thus frequently

I’ve had Mirena almost 5 years. I have had very minimal side-effects. The worst one was ovulation cramping, but I got it placed after having a baby. So I’m not sure if the ovulation cramping was a side-effect or just my body changing post-baby. I am *not* one of those lucky bitches that doesn’t get her period, BUT

The baby does not receive any nutrients from the mom for the first few weeks.