
I can only help with part of your query: my eggo has never been preggo. I have had my Mirena for a year, which has been a blissful period less time. The insertion was wicked rough for me, I needed to siesta for the rest of the day because I would get hit with contraction level cramps. (I also didn’t eat that morning,

I have had a Mirena! I love mine. I haven’t had a period or cramps in a year. It has been amazballs. HOWEVER:

As a child I thought the 75 cent insurance policy was really a card that had his insurance numbers on it...now I know he was talking about an old condom. I high fived my face when I rewatched Grease again after high school.

Now playing

I don’t have anything constructive to add, (everything I try to write down never covers enerything that I’m thinking and feeling about this) but I offer this song about San Bernardino instead. It is by the Mountain Goats, and it sometimes makes me cry, but more often than not, it makes me hopeful. I just...I don’t

Totes offensive for sure. Though, that photo reminded me of the movie Lars and the Real Girl. Where Ryan Gosling plays a really shy man who is in love with his sex doll. He carts his sex doll around everywhere in a wheel chair, and tells everyone she is his girlfriend, but she is sick so she can’t move by herself (or

My dad’s nickname for me was “rodent”. :(

In high school I cried hot messy tears over The Things They Carried too. :(

Oh so many rude remarks from my parents. Tops hits include:

Thank you for your reply! I don’t know much about NZ, except that it looks very beautiful. I’m glad to hear that people are working to change the ‘behind closed doors’ attitude, that sucks everywhere you go. My biggest hang up was that she is going for 4 months and will be far away. That makes supporting her in times

Right?! I’m wondering if that person knew my fucking was not calm by my use of frownie faces, or if it was the open ended ‘but...?!’

‘The fuck’ is calm now. Do you have anything else to add to this, or have you finished?

Okay good to know. I’m not sure she is going to go out to clubs because she said she wanted to get in touch with nature and all that jazz, but I will pass on the info to be vigilant with her drinks if she goes out. But that’s not any different than here really. It’s cool to know that street harrassment during the day

Right. I know she will more than likely have a great time out there and I am not wary of the country of NZ, really more that if something bad did happen, she would be far away and helping her will be really difficult. :( but she will also have her BFF with her so I’m Def not in full panic mode or anything over it,

Oh okay cool. My knowledge of NZ is pretty limited to LOTR was filmed there, and the named Garry is pronounced Gaza. (?) So when she said she was going to NZ for 4 months with her BFF, the initial reaction was “right on, that place looks beautiful, go have fun.” ...and then I had the thoughts of “dang that is a long

Oh, so all that good stuff she already has for around here! :) she is excited to go, she is my little adventure queen.

My sister is a huge traveler. She has been to lots of places, but normally for a couple weeks as more of a vacation than actually living and working somewhere. I don’t ask her if she is scared to go, I know she isn’t... she is really excited to go!. (She is amazing and brave and I really admire her.) She is going for

My sister and her best friend are going to ‘woof’ in NZ in January...should I be worrying about her? I mean I had some realistic worries before about single women traveling, ( :( :( ) but...?!

Did we live with the same woman? Because this literally happened to me. Right down to the backing away slowly.

Right, so I think thats why her MIL thought it was okay to post to facebook, because when SHE had her babies in the 80s someone had a camera all up in her vagina to document the birth. Buuuuut there is taking the video/photo for personal viewing, and then there is blasting a very intimate moment to anyone and everyone

My mom briefly went on dates with Bill Nye in the 80s. She worked at a radio station in Seattle, and did skits with him or something at a local TV station I think? She said they got lunch a couple times and she went to see his stand up set (she was not impressed by it, thought it was kinda embarrassing). instead she