
Okay when I read that he took a selfie with his wife pushing out a baby in the backrground, I imagined a whole lot more “miracle of birth”as a camera angle and less silly pushing face. This is liiiike nothing. Kinda annoying I guess. But! But.

My first gyno visit at 19, my doctor opened me up and said, “whoa! You are really small. Your cervix is RIGHT THERE.” To which I panicked and asked if that was normal (haaaaaaaha). She simply said that I should look for a sex partner with a small penis. So I left there humiliated and afraid that I had a deformed

I lived in Anchorage. I have Def been to this Subway. My brother worked at a different Subway in Anchorage (and I worked at a Subway in a different state, years after he worked at his) (I haven’t been to another Subway since working there, they are the devil.)

**I have no idea if this would work for you/your space/your budget/your desires BUT**

Thank you so much for answering my stupid question. I’ve been very lucky that I’ve never needed to use any insurance, so I just pay it blindly. I did read through my policies, just a very long time ago so most of it has melted away from my brain. :)

I understand that suing him personally is the only way to trigger that insurance to cover her medical bills, but will suing the little boy completely fuck with his future insurance rates? I am mostly clueless about how insurance opperates, but I was under the impression that if you are found at fault for something,

This was my beef stew. I did not brown my meat this time, instead let it basically boil in my crock pot for forever. I was hoping my hunk of meat would cook and then fall apart...nope, it was hockey puck meat all the way. I furiously sawed it into weird long rectangles and ate it anyway. It was actually quite yummy,

Staying in school, and saying maybe sometimes to drugs.

My road wreck fantasies were never that I wanted to be hurt, more like, “damn it would be so easy to go from in control of the car, to a smear on the side of the highway.” And then I’d grip the wheel a little tighter and slap some sense into my face for some hyper vigilance.

We made creme brulee for the first time this week. It was an Alton Brown recipe, but we soon figured out that I didn’t pay attention to the volume of deliciousNess we created, and so our 4 4oz ramekins did not pull the same weight as 6 7Oz ramekins. But no matter, we shoved the rest into a loaf pan and baked it off

Just gotta say, I love love love this pink. It is awesome, and I want to wear it.

It’s funny that they go back and forth between trying to help it, and wanting to get rich and famous off of how weird it is. A lot of marine biology is LOOK AT THIS FUCKING WEIRD SHIT, in my limited experience.

I mean when I drop my phone I panic kick it across the room out of relex, but I’m not really buying into the panic kick of a child refugee as not a racist reflex...

My ex boss did this to me too. She would frame it as a favor to me, which was infuriating. I lived in a cabin at this point, so she would say “want to have access to a REAL KITCHEN?”...which wasn’t actually a selling point because I could use an industrial sized kitchen whenever I wanted. (Lived at a summer camp,

80085....no wait that's ‘boobs’ on a calculator.

That would make sense! I never had to memorize the PLUs because most of my job was just groveling and renting movies. Also this was like 3 years ago and I’ve actively tried to forget that shit show. *shudders*

My guess is that they imputed the PLU wrong. Perhaps they were confused by your cabbage/onion, but my guess is that they ment to type “4312” which means cabbage but actually typed “4321” which means onion, for example. I worked in the Customer Service department of a Safeway for a year during college, and I can’t tell

*edit to reflect the departure date as February 16th, not December 16th*

I have worked at a subway and I approve of this message.

I worked in an industrial sized kitchen my four years of univetsity. During one lovely banquet for a yacht club, some of the little yacht babies had to 'bus' tables for 'volunteer experience'. While their yacht host showed them around the kitchen, he stopped in the dish room where I was dutifully scraping other