LaxSex-O-Lette (every gray is a 5th column Illuminist)

*basketball player makes joke lowkey referring to the slaveholding nature of basketball teams*

Go see it if you haven’t! It’s not too gory/gross and there’s only a few startle moments. It has some funny parts but it is not a comedy like his previous work.

Something you can’t unsee, unfortunately. ETA the subliminal nasolabial fold of satan.

I’m sorry, but...wtf is this? Seriously. What am I looking at here?

You were not kidding.

*Sips coffee, considers*

I live in SC, so I hear the flag “heritage” bullshit all the fucking time. These yokels think it’s cool to be subtly racist, but guys like King mainstream it.

The face of Supremacy is this dipshit, David Duke, Gohmert and Bannon?

“If you go down the road a few generations or maybe centuries with the intermarriage, I’d like to see an America that’s just so homogenous that we look a lot the same, from that perspective,”

(scroll down)

-genous That We Look a Lot the Same.’

Displaying a Confederate flag on your desk should be instantly disqualifying, especially when you represent a state that fought for the Union. Iowa, y’all deserve better than this.

...So Steve King’s vision of America is one where we all look like Steve King? Hard pass.

Janet Reno oversaw a period of transition with some continuity efforts. She didn’t make a sudden shift and none of them seem to have been told they were going to stay by the President. She fouled up Waco, but not the shift of attorneys. This sets Trump even farther back in appointments and may be a delaying action by


“President Bill Clinton’s attorney general, Janet Reno, asked for resignations in March 1993, but allowed U.S. attorneys to stay in place until their replacements could be confirmed.

Bolded text added for emphasis, since the distinction appears to have been overlooked. ;)

If I’m not mistaken, the replacing of the US attorneys you are referring to didn’t occur until their replacements were in place. This slaps as an attack against the judiciary. It’s the manner in which it was done that is so egregious.

The State Dept. situation is just mind-boggling. Absolutely jaw-dropping.

The distinction so many of the online reactions to the dismissals seem to be missing (and that I’m really glad this article makes note of) is that dismissals of this sort are completely normal for incoming administrations (former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush dismissed similar numbers of US Attorneys),

1) the right “response” to the bull statue should be a cow statue, preferably straight out of Cow Parade.