LaxSex-O-Lette (every gray is a 5th column Illuminist)

Offering a so-called ‘choice’ between jail time and coerced contraception or sterilization is unconstitutional. Such a choice violates the fundamental constitutional right to reproductive autonomy and bodily integrity by interfering with the intimate decision of whether and when to have a child, imposing an

Forced or coerced sterilization is not just abhorrent, it’s considered a Crime Against Humanity by the International Criminal Court Statute. Which, interestingly enough, the US signed and then almost immediately withdrew from.

So there is a way to get free birth control from the gov’t?

So if I’m hearing this correctly, if someone sends Don Jr. an email saying, “Shave your father bald,” he has to do it, right? He has no responsibility over what happens after he receives an email, apparently.

Making fun of David Brooks is one of the few joys I have in our current political hellscape. Please let me enjoy it for a minute before we have to go back to the regularly scheduled shitshow.

I think it’s a job for the Gizmodo special projects team to track down and interview this friend. Can Ashley be re-hired?

David Brooks is off-the-charts tone deaf, no doubt.

Mr. Brooks is almost as embarrassing as the president. Almost. And someone needs to send that condescending jerk this link.

That was my immediate thought too - oh yes, David Brooks, this story is totally a thing that actually happened. Mm-hmm. Yep.

Well, we actually do know why, don’t we? Because she doesn’t exist. Kinda like my old hi-skool girlfriend from Canada.

The telling thing here is that Brooks has only a bachelor’s degree.

Could be worse, you could be a taxi driver who just picked up Thomas Friedman.

Seriously. Also, If your friend has such bad anxiety that not knowing the name of some of the ingredients freaks them out enough that they want to leave, it’s a deeper and more personal problem than generic class divide.

Counterpoint: Sandwich Jane is entirely fictional. She is clearly a straw poor. This is a nice attempt at the “Some of my best friends are poors” privilege defense, but its fatal flaw is that everyone knows David Brooks doesn’t have any friends.

“David Brooks and the Insensitive Sandwiches” is a hell of a band name.

“Insensitively, I led her into a gourmet sandwich shop...”