LaxSex-O-Lette (every gray is a 5th column Illuminist)

Whenever 45 expresses his pride in the excellence of the Trump gene-pool, I can’t help remembering that Fred Trump died of alzheimer’s (at 93—as with Reagan, the disease can attack the mind in haste & kill at leisure).

Hey, would gladly spot you, if it’d help bring down DFT. Cause, if we take turns it will be easier. But I have to warn you: Comey (ex-catholic; former Jerry Falwell acolyte; current Methodist; no lomger GOP but won’t specify) has had SIX children with his wife. Not sure he’ll settle for a handy.

It gave me flashbacks about one of my 1st-ever managers. He always phrased his instructions thus: “LaxSex-O-Lette, would you mind doing such & such?”

That was—initially—one of the most surreal aspects of the McCain-to-Comey(“Trump”) meandering. He made that mistake so repeatedly, that it seemed like the only consistent idea amid his garbled questioning (dude, we should be so lucky ;). Oh, geez, though; much as I loathe McC—and he is more loathsome than Reagan or GW

If only the electoral college hadn’t skipped this 2015 interview (& countless others). Though I’ve come to suspect, that like our Fearless Leader, many of the Deplorables are functionally illiterate.

Same! OK, even worse: 15 years in publishing/15 years as one of the world’s worst proofreaders (unless it was somebody else’s product line :(.

To be fair, there is little empirical evidence (vide the Presidential Tweets, etc) that DFT has attained a sufficient reading level to master a tome like How to Catch the Easter Bunny.

Boycotts--big, noisy, widely publicized boycotts--are among the few options to counter DFT and his ever-so-greedy pack of Snidely Whiplashes. No Dudley Do-Right is gonna ride to the rescue, that’s for sure :(.

“Richard Nixon signed the Education Amendments of 1972 into law..... and women’s distance-running programs gradually became the norm....”

Poor guy... Seems like he’s gotta downsize a pussy-grabber’s ideal business venues.

Naw; it’s gotta be PCP.

Uh, huh. When a good friend on FB posted a “Russia Threw the ‘16 Election” comment, I had to tell her, “Aww, Putin really doesn’t deserve so much credit. This could never have happened if DFT hadn’t appealed to our electorate’s darkest, most paranoiac, ignorant, & twisted impulses, & said, ‘It’s okay to hate.’” (Came t

Whoopie’s weave-as-cultural-appropriation of white hair made me laugh. Waaay back in the day (like, late-Clinton era?), this white girl was persuaded by a friend that her thin, fried hair could be made awesome with a weave. After suffering a couple months, I came to work one day with total Night Hag hair: “Because, I

“Disclosure: the Gizmodo Media Group Union belongs to Writers Guild of America-East in its digital incarnation....”

Whatever makes you feel good will work. Of course, my pet R Dolezal theory is that she was driven by hair-envy. (OK, by Crazy, too--but the hair-envy tipped the scales ;).

HOW could one blackmail someone like Bannon, though? His own people <3 him because he’s an unrepentant white supremacist & devoted member of the He-Man Woman-Haters Club.

Sorry, but the most chilling aspect of that Politico story (for me, anyway), is the bit about the president’s “chief political strategist” slinging the term “cuck” at a rival. It was bad enough when men deployed it as a slur on other men’s masculinity (eg, every English Restoration-era comedy ever written), to say,

Am no scholar or anything, but wonder if my pet “Russia Theory” might apply here? (Said “theory” being an attempt to understand why people who’ve been subjected to almost every flavor of oppression can’t seem to rise up & rebel en masse). Anyway, maybe, in some parts of the US, Afroamericans have almost never gotten a

+10 for the Baldrick reference.