LaxSex-O-Lette (every gray is a 5th column Illuminist)

Excuse you.

It would have been mentioned, but Tennessee is currently in mourning because WH’s co-founder just died.

Ah... the old “intellectual diversity” scam.

To be fair, this guy clearly cares a LOT about family.

Perfect comment is perfect.

yep...the problem was definitely on the outside, mama june.

I’m all about dirty hot guys, he’s not too young for me, I agree with Rich that circumstances suggest big dick, he’s the son of America’s dad, AND he was arrested protesting. That’s worthy of multiple bangings from me.

He actually bottoms from the top, because of his social conscience.

The Donald Trump in Jason Momoa’s body thing was really conflicting.

Unless the hair is dirty, I’m not sure that a man bun is much of an improvement.

Him? No. Young Tim Kaine? Ayuuuup.

Kurt Russell in Escape From New York? Wow, are you generous!

Would you have sex with Tim Kaine’s son?

They are always trying to keep up with the Scurvy family who live next door.

Just as Bloomberg doesnt cover Bloomberg, we dont plan to cover Joe Ricketts and so we decided to take down our coverage of him. No one asked us to do it,Gothamist co-founder Jake Dobkin told Jezebel. It was a decision made solely by Jen [Chung] and me.

If ever there was a family that deserves to be named for a disease...

Ha, I don’t know if you saw my original post (I edited it down a bit since I wrote a lot about the whole double standards thing)....but I have some friends and family members who work in the TV/film industry (behind the scenes stuff). Miley is apparently pretty cool and a nice person (so are KStew, Fox and a few other