LaxSex-O-Lette (every gray is a 5th column Illuminist)

German cockroaches are the smaller, lighter, slimmer ones that go for your food in swarms. American cockroaches are the large ones that some people call “waterbugs”.

Lol bc I work in addictions and have been really into the Root’s series with the Drug Policy Alliance. Plus had to slightly clapback in defense of Michael

George HW Bush was pro PP if I recall correctly.

As the wife of a Republican politician, she always played coy regarding her opinions and beliefs. As soon as W. left the White House, she opened up and clearly stated her support for abortion rights and same-sex marriage.

Librarians tend to be fairly liberal, politically. :-)

Sure. Maybe. But his folksy tip on how I can keep my kids quiet was, honestly, much appreciated.

As a melonin challenged person of lacking color I much prefer wypipo to other names such as Frosty, snowflake, Casper, marshmallow, wonder bread, saltine....

Dude, one wypipo article a day could get the site enough rage-click revenue to last a week.

For a bunch of fascists they sure are idiots.

It wasn’t that their thumb was up their ass, it was that they had this completely baffling notion that just because Trump had a bunch of huge scandals they had to elevate Clinton’s as well to seem “unbiased”.

What pot has to do with opiods is that studies have been showing that using pot reduces the use of opiods and the pharmaceutical companies get paid whether the person taking their drugs has a prescription or not.

What angers me is so much of what’s been going on was all readily available info for any press outlet willing to dig *during the campaign*.

Trump and Sessions say they are going to crack down on pot, because there’s an “opioid epidemic.”

Trump and Sessions say they are going to crack down on pot, because there’s an “opioid epidemic.” They must think we are all fools. What the hell does pot have to do with Oxycodone and Hydrocodone? This renewed “War on Drugs” is really going to be an excuse to lock up more minorities and make our privatized prison

I can’t believe that even two years after kicking off his campaign...Trump and his team *still* cannot resist walking into every goddamn trap that gets laid by a combination of both the press and his opposition.

120 billion dollars in FHA home loans given to 99.9% white families by our government as part of the New Deal is one of the largest handouts given to whites. The GI bill is another handout which provided education to those who served paid for by our government. The majority of recipients? White men - while blacks


I have read “Debating Race” and a few other books by Dr. Dyson. They were all fascinating and thought provoking reads. He is the author who has sent me to the dictionary more than anyone else. Like I finally just started keeping it on the nightstand to save myself getting up every other page. Dude is freaking