
Clarence Thomas

I knew that probably since birth, but I can’t take any credit. My grandmother was a Proper Southern Lady, and since my mother (her daughter-in-law) was a loose floosy, she saw it as her job to train me.

But if they do get assaulted, they will blame themselves. “I shouldn’t have gotten drunk; I shouldn’t have walked home alone.” And they won’t tell you, because you will judge them and they can’t stand to live with your disapproval plus the shame they’ve internalized for doing the “wrong” thing.

Ask me how I know.

To the dude in the grey posting this as a reply:

Seriously, a savvy social media manager or some such could turn this impending PR disaster into a positive if they got their ass in gear right now with something resembling your plan, perhaps alongside meaningful statements about how they fucked up by being wasteful in the first place. They could even drum up a

If Showtime’s was/is smart, they would try to rent that same store/spot, re-open it up and and have donations for the day/rest of the week/ till initial airing of show. Because, if the articles concerning this don’t start now, they sure will, once the show finally airs... with an additional trivia-bit included every

They won’t care. Because being a Republican is part of their flag waving gun toting country music listening Jesus loving anti-PC identity. So they will continue to vote Republican even though they know they are corrupt because it’s better than those liberal socialist pro-gay Democrats.

There is just no winning this battle being a poor. $1000 every 4 months for botox pits is the only thing that works. If only I could afford! Decades of 4 showers a day, sink baths, perfume, oils, deodorant, pit pads, acupuncture, and reflexology have the scent down to a improperly tinned tamale. Boo.

I would pay good money to see a cage match between OJ, Trump, Richard Spencer, and the Vegas shooter.

Seriously. If marriage is something you want, then telling yourself “I shouldn’t want this”isn’t going to magically make you not want it. If she’s unhappy about it now, she’ll be unhappy about it later.

Knuckles Deep makes me sad because she describes herself as crazy and needy - now unless she’s broken into his house and stolen his child’s bunny and boiled it, I think “crazy” is some bad self-talk. She isn’t needy - she’s a person with needs and you only feel “needy” when those needs aren’t being met. I hate “love

I gotta get in on this Texas lol:

Texas Edition:

That’s the kind of couched language white power uses when the help is starting to get a little uppity.

It would be really perfect to just continue the pregame shootaround. It can be reframed as “continuing my preparation” and “putting the team first”, putting any offended dickhead in a semantic bind.

Perfectly well-said. None of these keyboard cowboys polluting Facebook and comment sections with their “I STAND” bullshit have stood for one single anthem rendition while in their own homes or out at the bar. Once they stand for every anthem, no matter where they are, they can start in on their false equivalency

I’d test the league if I were them. With the new rules against resting star players, it’d be interesting to see if the NBA can stomach suspending their biggest stars for standing up (or kneeling) against police brutality. How many games would they suspend them for? What if they came back and did it again in their

Your move, Pop.

How the fuck are they worried about losing fans over this? They’ve got a much younger fanbase than both MLB and the NFL, the only league younger is MLS. They’ve also got a fanbase that is much more diverse than the NFL and MLB. Their fanbase are exactly the sort of people that expect the big stars to protest. Adam

More like No Black Activism.