
I am always pissed off when people are all “Why didn’t they just leave?” Well, let me tell you as someone who could have been in that position. Where are you going to go? You don’t have a car...you rely on public transportation...whoops..that’s stopped running. Maybe you have relatives that can come get you, but

I found out my ex was cheating when I was 8 months pregnant. I locked down emotionally and decided I could stick it out for two years, instead of taking my toddler and soon-to-be-newborn and trying to manage on my own. I was a SAHM so I frankly needed that financial security.

I am / was a Pats fan. I quit watching the NFL due to ethical issues starting in 2014 (yet I still read this entire series every year), the season they won the first of their two most recent Super Bowls, so I didn’t see either of those championships. My last memory of the Patriots in the Super Bowl is the 2011 Giants

Some shit

I recently got a moth tattoo added to my burgeoning half sleeve. The moth itself isn’t necessarily significant, my friend/artist designed it and it fit the spot and it was pretty. While healing, and covered in ointment one day a real month landed on it and got slightly stuck and freaked me the hell out and I started

This is so gross. No wonder men grow up feeling entitled to female bodies — the idea we exist to look pretty for them is propagated everywhere, right down to books for 10-year-olds.

There’s really nothing that can be done at this point. It’s in God’s hands, he’s pretty pissed off about the gays and stuff so he decided to send this hurricane. All you can really do now is repent. Oh and we should probably eliminate FEMA entirely and let the free market handle this.  

It hasn’t even been 24 hours and I am already exhausted by Taylor.

But I have pity for Lara Prepon because she’ll never be rid of those 90's eyebrows. Those are SERIOUS 90's eyebrows and I feel sorry for her.

Another reminder of who the REAL psychopathic monster of the Old Testament Bible was.

Yeah the only problem being where she called Black Lives Matter a terrorist group and then multiple times claimed that she felt politicians from all sides were trying to take advantage of her. She also used lines like, “Heather was not part of any group and only cared about justice for ALL lives.”

I understand she

Seriously—they should charge her with “executing an official action without an appointment.” It’s not a rioting issue; it’s a scheduling issue.

I’ve always felt lucky that mine at least covered contraceptives, albeit with a heavy dose of guilt.
I mean, I know god forbid we admit sex feels good and is something most people want to do, but I wish somebody had told me how to, and that it is ok to speak up when I like or dislike something. For years I suffered in

Re-read the part where you said your wife was “innocent” because she “hadn’t explored herself”. Now read it aloud to someone and watch their facial reactions...

Not masturbating doesn’t make someone “innocent’ FFS. Although that speaks to why you can “relate” to capt.dunce.

They did this big ol abstinence only presentation at my texas highschool. They did this thing where they asked all of the boys whether it was ok to hit a woman, and then they put a boxing glove on a teenage boy and asked whether it was now ok to hit women. This was their metaphor for condoms. This is also one of the

The insecurity of some dudes when it comes to their proficiency in bed is truly, truly mind boggling. His wife brings him something that excites her and could make sex a lot more fun for her, and he has a panic attack because it doesn’t revolve around him? The prospect of actually learning about her anatomy and how it

I treat her very well, I give her preference in nearly everything, and am chivalrous (not just an act) every single day. She makes me very happy, and is very sweet, beautiful, smart and loveable.

Lol, I’ve seen him perform a lot as part of that group and as part of his duo, Shabazz Palaces. And I got to meet and (hug!) him. Yeah...I’m reeeeal specific about what I want to do with him.

Butterfly from Digable Planets