I wouldn’t feel bad for Faris, not one bit. They went through some hard times when their son was born so early, but preemie cares the best it’s ever been (and possibly will be for a while) and they had no lack of cash.
I wouldn’t feel bad for Faris, not one bit. They went through some hard times when their son was born so early, but preemie cares the best it’s ever been (and possibly will be for a while) and they had no lack of cash.
Opinion: everyone should have to survive off of service industry jobs and wages for a year. It would make society a nicer place.
“All branches of the military swear loyalty to the Constitution, not the President”. Show of hands...who thinks 45 knows this? I highly doubt it too.
Current military commander here with a not open, but not hiding trans member in my command. My direct message to that person:
Agreed. My assumption is that Trump’s view of the military is that they are all now his employees/vassals. He can’t understand the concept of duty, in the same way that fish can’t understand the concept of internal combustion engines.
I live in the area, south Manatee County, but a lot of my social life used to be Sarasota because I graduated from college there and I still spend a lot of time there. A lot of the locals think this is bullshit. Yes Sarasota has lots of people with more money than taste but it is not filled with young pretty rich…
...with a Costco sized jar of ranch dressing as V.P.
“I go, ‘You guys are really having a hell of a lifestyle.’ I said this would be a good reality show. Plus they’re good kids, so that was the main thing, they weren’t bad kids. I said this would be a good story because when I was growing up, you had ‘Father Knows Best,’ you had ‘My Three Sons,’ you had people with…
By the time America sobers up we will have elected a double parked BMW and a pair of Victorias Secret angel wings into the White House.
White privilege is the only known completely effective antidote to cognitive dissonance.
A few years back, we had a measure on our county ballot to temporarily raise taxes to fund schools. The measure only affected people earning over $100K a year (in a part of the country where this is a very good income), would only last three years, and would have ensured that music and art didn’t go away in K-12 and…
Unrelated but I had to share this. I was getting ready to grill while living with my grandparents-in-law, and my grandpa-in-law is blaring whatever garbage is on Fox news on Sunday nights. The panel is talking about the Justin Trudeau rolling Stone cover and pointing out how many first great albums they didn’t like…
I loved this video, and I loved the write up. And then I did a search because I wanted to share on FB but I try to make sure that my FB shares about stuff like this are AP, Poltico, NPR (no offense to this site or affiliates, I just don’t want to invite the immediate “BIAS” arguments).
This needs to go viral amongst all of the Democrats! Does anybody know how I can pull the video out of this tweet and save it for myself, to enjoy whenever I want. What if I want to share it with one of my girlfriends? Can I extract the video from the Twitter page it’s on and get a copy? Anybody?
You can just see the racist/misogynistic frustration bubbling under the surface. How dare this woman, this Black woman, fail to yield to him when he has things to say. She is such a fantastic example. Play this for little girls (and boys) everywhere.
+1 for climatic accuracy
None of my grandparents, who lived into their 80's/90's (one grandma still kicking it at 98), ever touched their grandchildren in this way. Other than like you know making the babies giggle by buzzing their tummies. But we are talking the less than 12 months crowd. My parents, who are grandparents in their 70's, do…
It’s not right to touch children that way either, though.