Very Stable Real Man of Genius

The Panthers are the most McMansiony of all the newer NFL teams. There’s a flashy surface value to them that covers up cheap drywall, a leaky roof, and faulty plumbing that always need fixing every couple years. They have the personality of a subdivision called Gridiron Grotto where there’s an artificial lake that is

I grew up near (and moved back to) the Ohio/Pennsylvania border, so Cedar Point trips are/were a pretty big thing for people I grew up with as well. I haven’t been since I was in my early twenties in the early 2000s, but your assessment checks out with me. Thank goodness Zelinski was exposed as a disingenuous jackass.

Not only would any woman that balls absolutely school them on the court

They all want to see her clean? Pretty sure she could clean their clocks in a one-on-one match any time, any day. And to be clear, we’re not talking basketball here.

Colin Kaepernick has been out of the NFL for 2, now going on 3, seasons. It’s been 3 years since he first hurt your fragile little feelings by kneeling rather than standing for a song that has no business being played before a fucking football game anyway. Your username was never witty, funny, or clever. You should

They clearly aren’t real fans of the game of basketball. If they were, they would see how beautifully the game can be played when it’s played by the NBA. They have to be very creative when it comes to scoring, so passing and ball handling are two parts of their game that are legitimately great, and it’s awesome to

The police after having spotted a black man with a car.

Lawrence Taylor remembers.

if these fucksticks actually cared about “creating jobs and growing the economy” they wouldn’t be hiding $20+ trillion in offshore tax havens.

The only positive thing the Skins contributed to society was signing Joe Johnson and Mark Sanchez definitively proving that Kaepernick was indeed blacklisted by the league. It probably was the driving force in the NFL settling the case with him.

I like how everyone just pretends “false positive” doesn’t mean “lying cop.”

Fuck the police

The officers were determined to test the hood of his car based on reasonable suspicion that he might be black.

“... while we agree on some issues, we strongly disagree about many others ...”

I’ve said it on this site before, and received a ton of shit for it, and I’ll say it again; our world is going to be better off when the baby boomer generation is wiped off the map. All these old white dudes are fucking up absolutely everything and their views are antiquated and racist.  Fuck ‘em all.  

I pulled myself up by my bootstraps. Good old Uncle Bootstraps. Heckuva guy.

As a long-time fan, this is the first time a Dolphins player made me legitimately happy since the fake spike.

Races out, Steve

“Hi! I’m gonna fuck you and all your carpet muchin’ friends in front of your mothers!”