Very Stable Real Man of Genius

Also if it’s the Naval Academy wouldn’t grades and SAT test scores also play a role? It’s not like they’re just teaching boat stuff to their seamen- they also do all the non-innuendo sounding stuff a regular university would and since he was only able to get a d in bible thumping it could've just been he was a moron

I’m glad someone else noticed what i’ve been noticing in every new Peloton, Mirror and Nordic Track interactive treadmill commercial. Here’s the three things I can’t unsee in every one of these commercials: 1. This equipment is for people who own houses that have floor to ceiling windows 2. The equipment must be in a

It does seem like there should be a couple of Lexus with bows on top sitting in the driveway, doesn’t it?

Sabathia (the season is still technically going). 

Not sure there’s gonna be a better place to post this, so here we go:

I know it’s coming, but every time I watch and he reaches for “. . . buncha bombs in the air” I still laugh.

It was probably taken a day before the raid

I for one am glad he tried to relate to the average baseball fan by wearing a baseball hat to the game.

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

Indeed! The commentary here is top notch. 

I come for all you glorious commenters!

Oh c’mon you know this time next week he’ll be claiming victory for Baseball being off the air because “coastal elites” booed him and now nobody will even broadcast them!

Oh man, that takes me back.

+1 Cufflink.

The game was ump’d by Enrico Palazzo.


Trump wasn’t the only boob at the game.