the Ti-Cats currently have the best record in the CFL.. Finally, it’s the Ti-Cats’s time to shine!
the Ti-Cats currently have the best record in the CFL.. Finally, it’s the Ti-Cats’s time to shine!
that bird obviously knew how to identify evil. Good bird.
my bad, I was using his original rookie deal. Probably 6 years instead of months. Fuck....
whenever I feel good about having muscular definition in my arms and chest I see Jokic, realize he’ll make more in one game than I will in six months, and feel worse about myself.
they felt we were making light of a serious topic. They were right though, we were.
it’s called working in academia. You know, the people who put their “pronouns” in their signatures in the first place. At least it just to me, my buddy and I expected to get a call from HR.
how about “brotha?” I get that one, especially from white dudes.
while everyone else at work was putting their “pronouns” in their email signatures my buddy and I decided to have some fun with it an put ours as “dude/bro/brah.” Yeah, that didn’t last very long before complaints were made.
my Westchester County cousin called everyone Chief in the 90's. Is that still a thing?
Obviously they missed the warning signs when the dude said he modeled his game after Doug Gottleib.
One deserves to be the victim of fraud if they spend $75 on tickets to a Dolphins game. You knew what you were doing.
I have to give the give the guy some credit. He didn’t start off with ‘IF I offended anyone” or “anyone I might have offended.” He’s still a long way from getting a job with a US sports team until he learns how to “apologize” like that.
he’ll be back next year after changing his name to Metta World War.
in this case, yeah, that’s sick. Anyone who sent him a death threat is a horrible person. It does happen on both sides though. Social media lets the psychos run wild.
if it had been in public I’m with you. But in this case it was inside the White House so he gets a break.
then tell me your version of the facts instead of the actual facts.
they’re the ones always alleging persecution, being censored, having their way of life taken away from them by liberals, minorities, immigrants, college professors, secondary school teachers, a 16 year old female environmentalist, “socialists,” “communists,” other “ists” etc. Victimology is at the center of modern…
how could anyone support a President who put Dijon mustard on a burger, rose a tan suit, took off his jacket in the Oval Office, played basketball and used a selfie stick? The horror! Now, treason, that’s perfectly acceptable.
much of it was unfortunately his fault. He got lazy in the off-season. I compare him with Verlander (who came up the same year) and Verlander found a way to reinvigorate his career and probably has another 2-3 years left whereas Felix fell apart in his final years. There’s a great Seattle Times story available online…
not just better, but second best to get a WC. They’re still paying for passing on Lincecum for Brandon Morrow and dumping Adam Jones for Eric Bedard.