Very Stable Real Man of Genius

it is now being used by white supremacist groups like the KKK and anti-government groups as a symbol of when America was “great:” when we had slavery and only white men were in power. There’s a white supremacist monument near Vancouver, WA, which flies it instead of the current flag.  It’s been co-opted.

my main thing is that it’s become the symbol of Antifa, which is a violent organization. Yes, the original Antifa was fighting the actual fascists in Germany and Italy (it was actually a pro-Communist organization) but today’s Antifa is like the “Real IRA.” They just adopted the name of a previous to justify their

when I lived in Seattle in 2006 the Tigers were in town and we were plannin to go (my wife and I are from MI) and we read that the pitching match up that day was “two young phenoms who could be the future of their franchises: Felix Hernandez against Justin Verlander.” Damn, that was 13 years ago.

a guy who tried to display a MAGAt flag was booted from Providence Park earlier this year. You also has those idiots who hung the MAGAt flag on the balcony at an Orioles game who were kicked out. And, after it was exposed as a racist symbol, a couple unfurled a Betsy Ross flag at a RSL match earlier this year and they

I will not be surprised when they show their true fascist agenda by pushing MLS to ban those they disagree with, from expressing their differing political beliefs.”

I’ve looked down at them for refusing to cheer and putting the flag over supporting the team. How is flying a flag during a soccer match “doing the right thing;” especially when that flag has become a symbol of Antifa, which the ADL has declared to be a violent and extremist organization and when they resort to

that’s right, it’s Rich DeVos who owns them now, the con man son of a con man.

sure you did. You don’t even know the proper definition of “fascist.” The Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer are not “fascists.” They’re racists and bigots.

you have to remember that the Magic are owned by Dick DeVos of Amway fame. So all Okeke has to do is take his check, tell two friends then they tell two friends, etc., etc., and eventually he’ll get the full rookie amount.

he’s my wife’s favorite player. He was extremely friendly when she met him, offered to take a pic, just a good dude off the field and a total pest on the field. We’d all hate him if he were on another team but he’s our so we love him and his style of plan!

didn’t they have something like 65 crosses against Orlando? That was frustrating as hell as they just packed it in. I work with a former Timbers player and he just shakes his head at number of crosses per game.  If they insist on crossing everything go out and bring Peter Crouch out of retirement - at 6-7 he’d be

to be fair, they did have 30 shots against Minnesota and did not play like “hot garbage” and against NYRB put shots off the crossbar and post.  Instead they played like the kind of guy men want to date their daughters: they can’t score or finish. 

agreed. It’s been embarrassing watching the TA tantrums over this. The last few games have seen banners all about the protest, not supporting the team.

hell yeah! The only difference is the “sauce” at Steak and Shake, a nice mixture of ketchup and and Worcestershire sauce. I ate a lot of that in law school (which explains the 25 pound weight gain...).

grew up near Grand Rapids but spent a lot of time at my grandparents’ house on Burt Lake. My parents have a place on Houghton Lake too. Beautiful country but not the place for my wife (also from MI) and me to spend our adulthood; boring!

I’m from MI so I know that. Glad to be out of the Midwest. I did consider Xavier for undergrad but my dad felt MU was a better school. Besides, Cincinnati is basically Kentucky.

Marquette - Real Chili was our late night place. Oyster cracker fights were the most fun. My wife was hammered one night and offered $10 to whomever could throw a cracker from across the place into her cleavage. She didn’t have to pay out. 

at my undergrad college our late night drunk food establishment was a chili place that did spaghetti noodles, then beans than meat swimming in grease. It was glorious. 

sometimes it’s the parents. My wedding got a little out of control from what we wanted because my father-in-law had to show off and make it a big event for 150 family members from around the world and clients because it was the first wedding in the extended family in 5 years. If it had been up to me we would have