I feel the same about the Lions and this year I won’t have to wait very long.
I feel the same about the Lions and this year I won’t have to wait very long.
Hey, they got a great deal on those at the Saskatchewan Roughriders’ warehouse sale.
considering he couldn’t beat out Mark Sanchez on multiple occasions with multiple teams, probably not.
I think the dude was being sarcastic, considering Teblow does have a cushy college football TV gig.
my sister switched to a new high school right after I graduated - brand new building in a wealthy suburb. They had a food court for a “dining commons.” We had a “lunch room.” Even at colleges it’s ridiculous now. At my undergrad we had a cafeteria and if we didn’t like what was being served it was off to the salad…
when I was in law school my wife somehow got a bunch of BOGO Fazoli’s coupons. That was the start of my 30 pound weight gain!
I’m pretty sure the “burgers” at my school had fur on them. They were so bad my go to in HS was hot ham and cheese.
that bastard’s first mistake was moving to the Texas of Canada.
Milwaukee’s new arena will not accommodate a NHL ice sheet. That was done intentionally. NHL wouldn’t work there anyway. Minnesota’s owner (and former owner of Nashville) is from near Milwaukee and concluded Milwaukee wouldn’t be a viable market so he decided to pursue teams elsewhere.
and all in one week.
looking at the kid the ushers probably figured he was some uber-rich dude’s developmentally disabled kid and didn’t want to cause a scene.
for two years I had Sunday Ticket to watch the Lions. What a waste. Then when I no longer had the dish I went to bars with friends to watch. An even bigger waste (and waist). Now I just check my phone periodically on Sundays to get a score update while I’m out enjoying life and don’t regret it at all.
my buddy’s kid used to sneak down to empty seats at Blazers games that he’d scouted up from SRO. This was before he hit his growth spurt. For a Blazers/Warriors game he sat down in an empty seat in the third row behind the basket. The guy who had the seat next to him came back, looked at him and said “that’s my wife’s…
I went to a Mets game (my first mistake) and saw in some empty seats around the 6th inning that had been empty the entire game. The usher actually threatened me physically so I had to leave. Fuck the Mets.
my buddy’s kid used to do something similar at Blazers games. By a SRO for $10 (student pricing) and scout out empty seats from above. He also got to know some of the ushers in those sections so they wouldn’t stop him. Now he’s 17 and not a cute kid anymore so he’s SOL.
your wife definitely didn’t go to school in the Midwest! The only law school classmate I knew of who who got any cosmetic surgery done had breast reduction surgery.
On the plus side, I read that DJ Durkin just got hired as an assistant for the Falcons, so at least we don’t have a coach that killed a kid.
i went to a USC/ASU game in LA and my buddy and I were stunned at how smoking hot the ASU girls were. I mentioned this to a law school classmate from UA and he said “yeah, all the hot, dumb girls who can’t get into California schools come to UA and ASU.” My wife’s friend who went to law school at ASU said that you…
no, it doesn’t but it does when guys specifically rip the skill and athleticism of female players and say how they could beat them as out-of-shape tools.