Very Stable Real Man of Genius

for sure. The NWSL had to have Portland - no Thorns no league. Youth soccer is huge here but so is college soccer and the Timbers going back 44 years. That helps create a culture that embraces soccer. The Blazers are also very much part of the community - the city was going nuts for days after the Lillard shot to beat

I would be willing to be 90% don’t even realize that she is a citizen, faux will never mention that either.

one thing we have going for us in Portland is that it’s a great and established soccer city. The University of Portland women’s soccer team led the nation in college attendance for a decade and used to regularly draw 5K to games when Sinclair and Megan Rapinoe were winning the national title under Clive Charles. Sinc

my wife and I were both woken up at a hotel in Denver by a girl screaming in delight (think the scene in Forgetting Sarah Marshall) but neither of us knew the other had woken up. The next morning she said “did you hear that girl? It really turned me on, I wish you’d been awake.” Damn!

I had neighbors who would go at it at odd hours, usually late morning.. I had to go over to their apartment once to inform them of mice in the building (townhouses) and when that’s when I discovered they were both rather obese. Try getting that out of your head the next time you heard them going at it.

yep. You’d think my wife would want to visit her homeland and maybe even move there, being a dual citizen, and having the President being her uncle who her dad grew up with. Instead, for her it’s “it isn’t any better there than here, though at least Trump isn’t murdering people (that we know of).” 

and I’d wash it down with a tall, cool Budweiser.

I didn’t say that. However, Trump needed more that just being a D list celebrity to win. He needed a hateful and bigoted platform of “build the wall” “deport Muslims,” “Mexicans are rapists” and “lock her up.” Pacquiao doesn’t need to say a damn thing to get elected, just show pics and videos of him boxing. He won’t

The difference (that that the US can possibly be defended for what we did in 2016) is that Pacquiao doesn’t even need to have a platform or bigoted policy ideas to run on to win, celebrity status is enough. Here, Boomers didn’t know Trump as a “celebrity” they knew him as the guy who was going to build a wall and get

as a kid my family never paid for visits to the barber. I later learned that it was because her husband had some injury or illness and lost his job. So, my dad, their doctor, offered to treat the husband for free in exchange for free hair cuts. How did she repay him for his generosity? By giving him a perm....

I thought that and then I had no other choice but to take a job there (was searching for a year) and it wasn’t as bad as I feared....once I got out of eastern Queens (Whitestone is a hell hole). Manhattan was pretty cool to live. 5 years there, but I wouldn’t go back; I knew it wasn’t a long term destination but it

I had this barber named Kahlid, he was a grad student at Wisconsin at a barber shop right off campus. I was a college grad and knew about this thing called tipping. It didn’t matter how many people were waiting, Kahlid would always call me to his chair as soon as I walked in the door. He did a great job too.

Pacquiao left the Catholic Church to become an Evangelical loon. He’s also endorsed and supports a murderous monster who is the President of the country. The Philippines is pretty fucked up in that they LOVE people with celebrity status even more that the US. Pacquiao has a third grade education but he’s going to

my wife grew up kind of embarrassed to be Filipina (in the midwest Asians were either “Chinese or Japanese”) and lets face it, all the Philippines was known for in the 80's and 90's was Imelda Marcos’ shoe collection. Then Pacquiao came along and she suddenly found something to be proud about in being a Filipina - the

I was a Lions fan who had crossed Lake Michigan to go to college in WI and was a freshman in 1994 when that game happened. I thought it couldn’t get worse than leaving Sterling Sharpe wide open in the end zone with less than a minute left and having to hear all about that during the first semester, then they hold

have you been to Clairvoyant Brewing in Boise? An old college classmate is one of the owners.

The best part of this skit was was Jeff Goldblum. He didn’t know how to react as you could tell Ferrell was ad libbing the whole thing.

scumbag grifters like Shapiro are threatened by strong, outspoken and courageous women. For years the right liked to claim female athletes were nothing but butch lesbians, and those who were not had to be oversexualized to overcome that stigma. Losers like Shapiro would be drooling over Alex Morgan and putting her in

Just give the US and Mexico permanent spots in the WC so we don’t have to go through this charade pretending that this isn’t all about making sure the US never craps the bed again.

I definitely have gotten the “mini Chicago” vibe/belief. And, they’re always trying to claim GR is the economic engine of MI, not Detroit (you know, because Detroit has diversity outside of “Christian Reformed or Dutch Reformed” and that’s bad).