Very Stable Real Man of Genius

I grew up 30 min from Grand Rapids. It’s DeVos country. We used to refer to “The West Michigan Taliban” with the super fundamentalist Christian Reformed who rule Western MI. My town had a minority population one could count on their hands and went 63% for Trump. I went to college and never went back to that backwater

I was last in Bend in November and don’t remember seeing any homeless. there are a shit ton of new breweries though. The Ale Trail is becoming harder to finish in only two days. 

so many Californians now. 

don’t forget to wash it all down with a tall, cool Budweiser

the homeless camps, yes, they piss me off too. Every summer we have people (particularly kids) come here and camp on the streets because of the weather and weed. I have frequently seen “homeless” getting supplied delivered, watching Netflix etc.

If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself? I know I would.

I saw Joey Chestnut win an ice cream eating contest when I was in Austin - 1.25 gallons in five minutes. Everyone else threw up. 

I live in Oregon but once you get outside of Portland, Eugene and Bend we’re overrun with proudly uneducated white supremacist MAGAts. Though the same can be said for Washington anywhere outside of Seattle. I haven’t been to Idaho but I heard Cour d’Alane and areas up north are beautiful and Boise is really nice but

Not just women, but lesbian women, particularly Rapinoe who is outspoken about equal rights.

China and Norway were pretty damn good during the first few WWC’s. 

some heroes don’t wear capes.

the Dutch defense didn’t know what she was going to do. They stayed wide, afraid she was going to pass, but then by the time they realized she was going to shoot there was too much room for her to get a clear shot and the GK knew she was dead. Great play making on her part. Like Rapinoe said in the postgame interview,

and thanks to someone in another thread I discovered her Twitter feed. She’s hilarious as well as a great athlete.

damn, dude, I was going to come here and say the one thing the guy couldn’t out run were his demons but you won Deadspin for the day with your comment. 

I’m going to disagree based upon personal experience. When I was a freshman in HS there was a guy stalking my family, trying to extort money my my dad and a few other doctors in the area. The guy found out where we lived, vandalized our property and would leave threats on our answering machine. The police didn’t

5. Stacey Dash

I know that. I’m not defending the fine. I was just speculating as to why he got fined and Morgan won’t. It was a current conflict, not one that happened 240+ years ago. Don’t forget this incident which led to the rule that those two nations won’t be pair up in qualifying again.

that’s why I said “current conflict.”

the Double Eagle is referencing a current conflict between two nations that hate each other and is something that can induce violence. The tea thing, not so much.

that “real Americans” pledged absolute allegiance to the President...well, this one, they sure didn’t from 2008-2016.