Very Stable Real Man of Genius

my buddy was her coach at Utah. He told her “get the police involved.” What else was he supposed to do? Those who were tasked to protect her didn’t. “To serve and protect;” hardly.

word is Megan has a hamstring injury the US has been covering up.

for some reason my alma mater retired 11 for the Apollo 11 crew, none of whom have any connection to the school.

even worse: Miami retiring Michael Jordan’s. 

if you can get this miniature personalized license plate then “Elon” isn’t far behind:

I noted that, but those no longer on the senior team (e.g. the who had a FT job as well as playing for Portland) don’t get paid more than the league maximum salaries of $46,200 (this year’s maximum). So, some of those on the team now were under the NWSL salary limitations before making the national team and hardly

US Trump supporters love it. They’re openly cheering AGAINST the US because they have a loyalty to the President over the country and constitution. 

in NWSL salaries for the non-national team members who are not paid by the US and Canadian federations are quite low. One of my co-worker’s had a GF who played with Seattle and made a solid $12K right out of college. My buddy’s neighbor’s daughter worked at a marketing firm during the season to supplement her income,

good point. Also, the MAGAFL, if African-American players are allowed, will give one AA player the “One of the Good Ones” award each year, instead of MVP. 

true, though I do like the US’s historical success against Germany in match ups on French soil.

correct. If arms are in a natural position a handball is not going to be called. 

8$ beers? You haven’t been to a baseball game in a while, have you?

actually, I am from “flyover country.” I went to and graduated from two highly ranked universities in “flyover country.” I worked for GOP senators and governors on the state and national level in multiple “flyover country” states. I was the College Republican of the Year in a “flyover country” state. Being on the

they actually won game 2 of that series. The long layoff between the ALCS and the WS killed them and the errors, especially ones made by pitchers, were beyond brutal. 

It still pains me to think the Tigers had a rotation of Verlander, Scherzer, Fister, Shanchez and Porcello and got swept in their only WS appearance. And then add in the bats they had...

it’s always fun to see people like you claim all professors are “communists” (especially because you all don’t actually know what that means, you just like “ist” words). Funny, in seven years of college and graduate school I had some profs who are darlings on the right (one who was a major cause celebre for

he did say he loves “the poorly educated.” He really does love you. 

I never really sang it either, but since November 2016 if I do go to my seat before the anthem at a game I stand with my hands in my pockets and look around. Usually I stay out in the concourse. The first game my wife and I went to after the election she started crying during the anthem. She’s an “anchor baby” and she

as George Carlin so eloquently pointed out: “We’ve got the only national anthem that mentions fuckin rockets and bombs in the fuckin thing.