Very Stable Real Man of Genius

wait, the remade the Keanu Reeves movie?  Was that really necessary?

my freshman year roommate, nowhere as weird as Brad, had only one movie: Point Break. Since it was his VCR he’d play it constantly. To this day I refuse to watch it.

I had an early morning flight and was in first class. The flight attendant was going through taking drink orders while we were still on the ground and everyone was ordering orange juice or coffee. I said “cranberry and vodka” and the dude next to me said “we can do that? One for me too.” All of first class changed

was their trial (trials) televised? 

had a family friend who became a judge around the time of the verdict. He said Ito cost the prosecution the case as he let the whole trial become a circus and lost control to the defense. When you think about it, the OJ trial was the first real reality TV program.

Canucks up 3-2, then playing in Vancouver for game 7. They choked.

you forgot about the Sedin Broth....oh yeah, that 2011 chokejob. Nevermind. 

yeah, that was one that surprised me. It seems like there are at least 100 sets of siblings that have won the Stanley Cup.

David Kahn would like a word. 

I’d like to point out that during Obama’s 8 years in office no foreign team won the NBA title. There’s your asterisk: Trump outsourced the NBA championship.

I wish I could remember the player. Journeyman, I think a Dominican player. I don’t remember hearing anything about Vina, but I remember Matt Morris having a condo a block away from my place where his mistress lived.

He should’ve played baseball.

He could count on having an empty seat next to him on any team flight, due to his ritual of watching hardcore pornography on his portable DVD player, according to those sources.

only when you have a Chinese slave do it for you, Mr. Kraft.

I thought he’d be better than he was, but he obviously shot his load too early in his career. 

yeah, East St. Louis, a place with strip clubs and nothing else of redeeming value. What about the Missouri side, actual St. Louis? Jesus, police are even shooting and killing fellow officers and can’t figure out the difference between tasers and guns:

fair enough. STL ok? Congrats to all of you Blues fans!

in 1999 after they became then Cleveland Barrons/Minnesota North Stars/Dallas Stars

as a former St. Louis resident I expected the city to be a smoking crater this morning (well, moreso that it already is). I figured the police would be out with torches handing them out to fans saying “over there, that one.” Well when they weren’t shooting black citizens...

I did law school in The Lou but never really got into the Blues (one year was the lockout) but I’m happy for you Blues fans, you deserve it! And while beating Boston on their home ice is awesome it still doesn’t excuse St. Louis style pizza.