I can’t speak for the women, but if I scored my first career World Cup goal like Mewis, Lavelle and Pugh did I’m be pretty damn excited regardless of score. Morgan, on the other hand, was pretty subdued in her celebrations.
not a small town, but my wife’s dad too the kids to Denny’s in the 90's and after being ignored for seating the host said “I’m sorry sir, we aren’t hiring right now.” Asian in Michigan.
so, what’s worse? A team continuing to score or a team just kicking it around playing keep away for 50 minutes? What if a hoops team was up 30, wouldn’t it be more humiliating if the team took a shock clock violation every time down the floor? Isn’t that rubbing salt in the wound even more than continuing to score?…
getting beat 3-0 by Venezuela on home soil is getting “whacked.” that was straight embarrassing, that team probably hadn’t eaten in weeks.
I thought of that too. Well done.
“The US continuing to score goals was uncalled for. They were just humiliating poor Thailand.”
look at the dude. He has a “the owner said I have to come or he’ll deport me” look on his face.
nobody kisses in my line!
one of my law school classmates referred to his wife (#3 by age 34) as “Schmoopy” constantly Facebook to the point I unfriended him.
me too, but mainly because I’m scared my car is going to fall through it.
the town I grew up in still has on the “city limit” signs (7000 people is not a city) that they were named one of the top 100 small towns in America in 1987.
I grew up in a town of 6,500 and people from cities think that’s tiny. Then I mention my cousin grew up in town with a current population of 753 with one stoplight and they think people lived on two blocks and were all related.
being across the country for that period I didn’t experience as much. However, I do know that unlike the Warriors, the rich dbags and celebrities were already in the place, whereas longtime season ticket holders who suffered through the post Run TMC to pre-Steph years are now priced out. Soneone dropped over $10K on a…
hell, being a fan anytime before 2010 and the new uniforms makes one legit. Those things with the thunderbolt down the side were an abomination and so 90's.
you’re legit, too many that fill the arena now are bandwagoner tech bros. I respect fans like you and hope that my 38 years of Lions fandom will result in a scintilla of success the Warriors have experienced some day - probably when I’m 90.
a few years ago as I walked out of the Moda Center after Steph had gone for 17 in OVERTIME a couple of early 20's jags in new Warriors jerseys were taunting us fans who couldn’t believe what we’d just seen. One Blazers fan said “who was your starting center in 2002?” They couldn’t answer and the guy said back “Erick…
this seems to be taken to another level though because of the type of fans they’ve attracted. Tech Bros are already the most insufferable professional group one can imagine, now have them tie their superior sense of self worth to this Warriors team (which has good dudes on it) and they take it to a whole new level.
actually, tennis players can win up to $10K and still keep their NCAA eligibility. However, if they play outside out 6 months from their first opportunity to enroll in college then they lose a year of eligibility and many abroad don’t know that rule.