Put me in, coach!

The book wasn’t called Gulliver’s Buckets.

Can we just add this to the stat line?

Ultimate frisbee is all speed and skill with fairly little player contact and lots of layouts, like basketball without the pushing and shoving.

I would love to know a “what’s the next-easiest” for those who have more than one. For example, if you have some Hebrew, Arabic would be easier, right? And if you are native English speaker but nearly fluent in Spanish, is Italian the next easiest? I imagine Portuguese would be easy to read, but hard to

Confirmed on the grody sweatmonster part. I was at a Celtics-Knicks game way back when, and had to deliver a message to the statistician on the floor. For a brief moment I found myself within inches of the humongous sweat factory as I walked past the Knicks bench during a break in the action. Jocks are big and sweaty,

That’s funny. Maximum Golf did a profile of me too. Just this year, in fact. They quoted me as saying “Donald Trump is a major league [class act] and he should be summarily [praised from] the rooftops.”

I looked at it too quickly. Thought it was Isaiah Thomas highlight film.

Button-operated trap doors too. The guest chair in my office is bolted down to the section of floor that swings down into a pit of snakes.

Football is a team sport. Superbowl MVP is a dumb award. That’s all I have to say about the silliness about rings = HOF. Fucking Trent Dilfer, Doug Williams, Joe Flacco, Eli Manning, and Peyton Manning’s final season. I rest my case.

These are more like “circumstances” than “causes” of accidents. The true culprit that causes drifting out of the lane and falling asleep is probably alcohol and the culprit behind the left turns and rear-ending is aggressive driving.

So he pre-positioned the camera? I had assumed someone was filming, but I didn’t click the links to read more.

Needs an edit so we can sound this out in our heads. “Now, Ah may simplah be a small-town countrah laawya and ah don’t quite get haaahw...” 

1. I was the person who could never get a word in. Interrupting skills are paramount.

Yeah, Eli should go in a special Hall of Fame with Trent Dilfer and Joe Flacco. Not the same one with Montana, Favre, and Brady.

The racist part was using the name “Pocahontas” in a mocking way, which he has done regularly for over a year now. But now he just did it in the worst possible setting.

I want to know how long it took to come up with Federation for Unscientific Cursory Knowledge for White American Definitions. Because if it was less than 30 minutes, you, sir, are a genius. If it was more, you are a hero and it was still worth it.

Allow me to clarify, the snack in question was smartfood (popcorn). You can open the box, then open the bag, then stomp on the kernels and they barely break. That is, until you give it to your kid in the backseat of the car, whereupon they disintegrate into a million impossible crumbs that evade the gas station’s

“We used our product and it made us write racially insensitive things. Buy our product!”

I recently received a large box of Frito Lay snacks that was marked “FRAGILE” all over it.

Both CLpG and CRpG are highly predictive of losing the division.