Put me in, coach!

Counterpoint: The Jags have been slowly and quietly building a pretty strong and almost watchable team. Meanwhile, the Seahawks are going in the opposite direction.

Leveon, Antonio, and Ben would beg to differ.

I always found this so patronizing. Then we had a thought leadership committee and I was going to die. Along with the innovation committee. What’s next, the thinking outside the box committee?

I grew up in New England (where town halls are an actual thing) and my company infuriatingly uses this term to refer to its “sit and listen” meetings. Usually the petrified employees are silent except for one or two who try to come up with the most obsequious possible “questions” to give the CEO something simple to

For the love of god, “impact” is not a verb and “impactful” is just not a word in the English language. I’ll give you “move the needle” until you come up with something better.

To be fair, Klay Thompson doesn’t get recognized in New York either.

To this day I don’t look at my blender without thinking of that skit.

His apologies would ring truer if he hadn’t waited until the stories came out to offer them.

Taylor needs to get the hell out of Buffalo before he becomes the next sad RGIII.

The troll “can’t help you.” You are just too blind to how scary and evil Lynch is for questioning the white establishment’s authoritah. His career is “ruined” in the same way the New York Times is failing (i.e. not at all).

Trump, who probably comments on Deadspin under the handle PussyGrabber, would be conflicted about starring this. I mean, it’s unflattering to him, but makes fun of a disabled person who was also a Democrat.

I can’t think of a more tasteful way to promote a Thanksgiving Day game featuring a team called the Redskins than to bring out a child rapist to make jokes about snapping his opponent’s leg. Go, NFL!

None of these guys even make eye contact with Ponder, even when she’s talking.

In 15 point comeback, after the first score when the Saints did not do an onside kick, I thought, New Orleans trusts their defense. Would they have done that in any of the past three seasons?

Thank you. This list needed to be done even though we can all quibble with it. Not acknowledged is that apologizing and owning up are 1000% better than denying, fighting the charges, and attacking/threatening the accusers.

“everyone’s still fresh and healthy from the offseason”

Landlord here. Nope. Not appropriate.

90 points by halftime was a gift to East Coast viewers who have to get up in the morning.

They did a complete 360.

These people clearly just watched a Browns kick-6. Heartbreaking.