Totally plausible, especially if Broncos’ defensive touchdowns > Osweiler interceptions. If I was the Broncos OC I’d just punt on first down on every drive.
Totally plausible, especially if Broncos’ defensive touchdowns > Osweiler interceptions. If I was the Broncos OC I’d just punt on first down on every drive.
This is like watching Tom Brady “run” for a first down. Amazing athletes doing stuff that’s just not their thing because the situation calls for it and showing how hard it really is.
Give Semian another couple of weeks.
If Julian Edelman wasn’t out for the season I would have guessed that was the secret backup plan.
I wouldn’t read too much into this bird-flip. I have lived in DC for almost 20 years. Motorcades are a fucking pain in the ass regardless of whether the vainglorious cargo is a racist dirtbag or a politician I voted for or some tiny country’s insecure diplomat who wants to feel important. (Trust me, that last…
You need a photo of the real guy. #Notallwhiterefs
Nats were building toward Davey Martinez, Davey Johnson, and Davey Lopes on the same coaching staff. I’m disappointed this isn’t happening.
Thanks for writing about your experience. I’m sorry you had to go through that.
At first I thought that dying while dunking couldn’t be a thing, but then I remembered Hank Gathers. Fuck.
I just went back to Carter. I think we know so much more about recent presidents because of social media and we’re in a post-privacy age. JFK is widely known to have had affairs. The question is whether he pressured women, forced himself on them, abused his power. I just don’t know.
Maybe I live in a bubble, but what is the best convincing evidence of rape against Bill Clinton?
Much appreciated commentary and clarifications. I put less thought into it than you give me credit for.
Great joke but you fumbled on the one-yard line. At least OldBeigeGuy ran it in for the score.
Not excusing it, but my grandfather got very handsy and a little more racist in his declining final years. It was awful to watch. I think it was less about dementia than depression.
This is true. But also, let’s not make this binary. I would put the pres’s on a scale of 0 to Cosby like this:
I know some NFL teams that could use a good passer...
I can’t believe I had to read like 600 terrible comments and nobody mentioned the best kind of pickle in the world: Indian pickle. Specifically unripe mango pickle. It is nothing like that boring Western vinegar/pepper/garlic bath you wash cucumbers in. Just go to your nearest Patel Brothers and try some. It’s not for…
I’m curious. What happens to that $35,000?
Exactly. Because it was never about some abstract “states’ rights” principle then just like it’s not about some abstract “rule of law” principle now. It’s about “us” and “them.” Always has been. I wonder when is the last time these rule of law assholes drove under the speed limit.