
Fuck these guys. Bring on the robots.

You are some piece of work.


So right now the Nationals have injuries to outfielders Jayson Werth, Adam Eaton, Michael Taylor, Ryan Raburn, and now Bryce Harper. At what point does someone sit Dusty Baker down and explain to him that those aren’t pitchers?

God even when he gets injured his hair is majestic.

“One source told ESPN’s Adam Schefter that Cutler is “really struggling to leave his family.” - Yesterday Jay

I am new to MMA and boxing, but I’ve really enjoyed it. It is amazing to me that these men seal their fists inside orbs of concrete and then spin around like tops inside the ring and when the concrete orbs smash against their opponent, pieces of the opponents body will just explode in a red spray of gore. But the

Serious question:

A lot of assumptions being made here: “need”? “Friends”?

Is that you, Progressive Liberal?

#notallwhitewomen amirite?

Calm down, Alvin. You’re out of your league with Rooo. Best to instead do what you do on Friday nights, jerk it to Bernie speeches and dream about mansplaining.

One more thing: DWS is out and has been out. I hold her responsible for what has happened with the racist voter suppression under Shelby v. Holder (and as a result, possibly for a big part of this whole mess absent the Russian interference).

Give some good reasons why should she keep her job?

In general? No. On the internet? Yeah, probably. But it’s likely not your fault. You probably have a life: a job, some friends, maybe a spouse... in other words, what the fuck are you doing around here?

Not sure I like the direction the sausage race has taken.

To be fair, when they put it to a vote only 15 of 19 Saudi players voted against participation.