That 48 people have liked this is depressing as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
That 48 people have liked this is depressing as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
Fucking good riddance.
A bit of a correction: Marvel wasn’t sued over Wonder Man; Fox Publications was sued in 1939 over the lone appearance of the Will Eisner-created Wonder Man. And the lawsuit had nothing to do with Wonder Woman; DC sued Fox over the similarities between Wonder Man and Superman.
Now, when Marvel introduced THEIR Wonder…
Nah, the whole series is streaming on Hulu.
Good yogurt? But I thought this was about Chobani.
A “smaller festival” is a concert.
“wore Jordans”
But Wilson didn’t commit suicide; he had a LONG history of substance abuse, and was a VERY heavy drinker when he died. Basically he spent all day drinking and diving in and out of a marina to retrieve items he had thrown into the water (while drink, natch) and ended up drowning.
If you have to settle for a national fast food chain, it’s pretty hard to top Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich.
“(I’m a literal Centrist)“
A Bears jacket that’s still in immaculate condition hanging up in my parents’ basement because I rarely ever wore the thing. Kids were getting fucked up left and right at my school if they were dumb enough to wear one to school and hope to not have it stolen, so by the time I felt like I could wear it without getting…
Ah, so his “bring back coal jobs” plan is to maim or kill the miners who still have jobs, so that out of work miners can have THOSE jobs! What a time to be alive (unless you’ve been killed by lax mining regulations)!
As a former Barnes & Noble wage slave, it pains me to see the “sophisticates” shelved in the Lifestyles section instead of Men’s Interest. This is what happens when you eliminate the magazine lead position to avoid paying people benefits, dammit!
That’s actually not Steamboat Willie; the German soldier in the hand to hand combat scene is a different character. Poor casting/wardrobe choices that they got a guy who looked so much like Willie, especially since Willie DOES reappear several minutes later.
If you’re talking about idiots who whine about things being “too PC” vilifying them, OK, I get what you’re saying (and fuck those people; the logo should go). If you’re saying that they’d be vilified as racists for choosing to get rid of a racist symbol...that’s kind of a weird take.
Let’s say you meet someone who thinks you’re someone else, and he calls you that other person’s name. You correct him, he realizes his mistake, and yet going forward he still inexplicably keeps addressing you by that wrong name. How long before your name just becomes that other name because it’s “tradition” or “it’s…
Most Native Americans “don’t care” about pro sport team names in the “holy shit, have you seen how bad life is for most of us and you’re asking if I care about THIS?!?” sense. Dumping these names and logos/mascots are literally the least people can do.
It’s silly in the sense of, “it’s fucking 2017 and how absurd is it one of the teams that went to the last World Series is called the ‘Indians’ and has THAT logo?” Yeah, changing the name and logo isn’t going to magically cure a disease or make lives better for Native Americans, but it’s still just the right (and…
Sloppy Joes are goddamn delicious regardless of who likes them.
Man, kids are diabolical like that.