I’m genuinely surprised nobody in this thread brought up the Trivago Guy:
I’m genuinely surprised nobody in this thread brought up the Trivago Guy:
Damn, this is some might fine kinja. And look at all these chumps missing out because they couldn’t even bother to read the second paragraph.
“*bangs translator against desk*
No matter how hard you wish for it to happen, Barkley will never, ever, ever see this scorching, Sriracha-soaked take of a post.
If only the other team knew that THEIR kicker’s mom’s name was Martha, too. He totally would have shanked it.
You’d think the guy from the fanbase that gave So Taguchi more than one standing ovation after he left the Cardinals would have no problem understanding fans’ inexplicable love for certain scrub players who capture their hearts.
No, I’m pretty sure you can’t just go fuck the team or their fans with or without our permission.
I thought he was gonna throw it, too, and was terrified that the place was about to turn into a mud pit of death and shredded limbs.
Yuuuuup! And the meatballs are always wrong, without fail.
Derrek Lee, the guy with a career .287 .335. 620 .955 line with the bases loaded?