
The only people facing prosecution are the dumbasses on the boat that snuck him onto the island.  Which. . . they should.  The tribe could be totally wiped out by a sickness these clowns introduce.

It amazes me that there’s people in 2018 who think “missionary” is a worthwhile use of their time. Especially with the ease with which you can study the history of missionaries fucking things up around the world.

Another case of a man driven by arrogance, entitlement, American Exceptionalism, and Jesus....who met up with some folks who were NOT HAVING IT.

Oh, my God. I knew when I read Brown River nothing good was coming, but had no idea of the proportions of the apocalypse.

Your mom is The World’s Greatest Girl Scout. Be prepared!

Why was your aunt dating a ten year old?

That’ is a real problem! You don’t have to let your brain fuck with you twice (“You’re lonely and ALSO that’s not a real problem!” Shut up, brain.)

Its 2018, i may be pregnant. If i am its great, but after two miscarriages the stress and hope is sucking a lot if the joy out. 

Thanksgiving has always been the best holiday for me, Mom and Dad. Even though it was just the three of us, Mom would insist on making a 23-25 lb turkey (they REALLY like leftovers).

Any problems that are enough to make you think of suicide are “real problems”. Your suffering does not count any less being based on loneliness. I’m sorry that you feel this way. You are welcome here and I always enjoy your posts. The internet may not cure real loneliness but I hope you knowing there are real people

I was in college. living in a one bdrm apartment with my friend, who had the living room as his bedroom. We hosted T’giving dinner. Among the guests was this guy we sort of liked and his girlfriend who we did not like. We are all EATING picnic style because who had a table? when awful girlfriend comes out of our

The worst part of this story is when ‘everyone gets really quiet’. I hated to read it, so I can only guess how that made you feel. He needed that bowl of corn poured on his head, and told to STFU. I hope you surround yourself with better people now.

A mild edition as far as “horror” stories go, though it felt painful enough in the moment.

“Brown River”

One Thanksgiving, I’ll guess I was about ten maybe, my grandfather left the living room to use the bathroom. It was the half bath in the hallway between the kitchen and the front door. Me, my sister, and my cousin were in the kitchen looking toward the hallway when my grandfather collapsed, with a loud bang. I can

We go to MrOjib’s parents house for dinner. Last year, his stepmom’s sister, husband and adult daughter came.

My mother is a narcissistic nightmare, and also a complete blasphemy to anything to do with food prep. She had a spaghetti sauce that was really nothing more than ketchup. Her personal nemesis was the box brownie mix. We either ate it with a spoon or chiseled it out as kids.

So I am a newly wed in my first fairly good size condo, and my hubby and I decide that we should have the whole damn fam over for Thanksgiving.

A few years ago, I was carjacked by a flock of escaped turkeys trying to make their way to Canada. I haven’t celebrated Thanksgiving since.

:( I’m so glad you weren’t successful!