
Trump is the combination of every bad manager and boss trait. Vain, passed blame, steals credit, knows nothing, thinks he knows everything. Etc.

Course not. There’s no spark in there to light that tinder.

This was so clearly obvious during the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. The jerk was just all “hurricaned out” and obviously annoyed that he had to endure another hurricane visit, especially one in PR. He was extremely flip, glib and gassy about it, criticizing PR’s “debt” and feuding with the mayor of San Juan for no

Nor does he comprehend the scale involved, he thinks you can send a few guys out into “the forest” and have them “rake” it, like there’s been this easy common sense solution right there all along that everyone else is just too stupid to see. No matter what it is, Trump finds someone to blame. Dumb “conservationists”

Trump is the type of person who hears an educated person explain something then tries to repeat it to sound smart but fails miserably.  What he’s attempting to refer to is the hazardous fuel reduction mentioned in the article, but he’s such a moron that he doesn’t understand what that means.  He thinks it means

The idiocy of this man is so incredibly painful. Last week, the humidity at my house was 1%. Yes, ONE PERCENT. Static electricity can cause a fire at those levels. These are not fires started in forests; most start in heavily populated areas and are caused by natural means (ie spark in dry conditions) or by arson.

The flabby gasbag can’t visit a disaster scene without proffering another sub-cretinous simplistic “solution” he pulled directly from his fat worthless ass. Nor can he make it through one of these visits without scrunching his face into another bizarre contortion and mugging for the cameras in that totally dotarded

Sure. Finland is famous for having years long droughts. I wonder how the Amazonian rain forest doesn’t go up completely. Probably the Brazilian government raking initiative. /s

Trump might actually know what he’s talking about here.

I feel smarter for reading this. And dumber because I’m the same species as these people who believe in DEWs and Chemtrails. Seriously you don’t think we would see an airplane shooting lasers above the forest of paradise in California....

I experienced something once. But then a man told another man that he wasn’t aware of my experience, so the other man explained to me that I hadn’t actually experienced it. I can’t wait for my first real experience!

But you can mount it.

This is the crusty old white man version of Mariah’s “I don’t know her” meme.

I was a part time mechanic for most of my life working in my Dad’s shop. I left the trade for good after 15+ years of being asked if I could ‘get one of the men’ or if they could make an appointment for service. They would do it when I was literally elbow deep in an engine. I lost money because so many men would

Who is that asshole who just flat out called her a #liar to her face just cuz he talked to some congressman?

When men ask what microaggressions are, this is a good example, because it happens over and over and over. Grace Meng is right on the money. Let’s make this the new normal.

Yup. I’m a professor. My office is right next to another (male) professor, and if I had a nickel for every student who walked through my door asking if I could schedule an appointment for them with Prof. Nextdoor, I would be a wealthy woman.

I am a female lawyer in my early 30s and I regularly get mistaken for an assistant or paralegal. It adds extra difficulty to my job since I need to establish credibility before I can even engage with clients.

Girl, I hear you. I’m a lawyer, I’m still relatively young, and I’m small, so I’m always mistaken for being much younger (not that I mind, usually). When I went to my first hearing at a new courthouse a couple years ago, the security guard thought I was there waiting for my parents. :( Granted he was like 80, so I prob

This is like Magary’s William-Sonoma Haters Guide, except somehow Goop is even worse.