
More importantly, no one should risk the Sentinelese’s health and lives trying to recover his body.

the freak can’t ever just offer kind words and full support

Thanks for making me snort-laugh!

I am Danish and there’s a lot of overlap between Norwegian and Danish. “Kirstjen” is not Danish and I just searched Norwegian Wikipedia (I know, not a 100% bulletproof source), to see if it had an article on “Kirstjen”. It doesn’t and even asked me if I meant “Kirsten”. To me, the version with a J looks more like an

I didn’t say you were OK with any of that. I apologize if it came across as if I was. I commented on your very first sentence and it came out in a clumsy way, I think.

A valid point for sure, but the fact that she is describing his behaviour as “harassing” suggests to me, that she does NOT want any more children by any method at present/ever.

And that makes absolutely no sense to me.

Or that she is crazy. It’s gaslighting to a disgusting degree.

This is so weird to me. Where I’m from (North-Western Europe) no one could care less if a politician or judge is playing sports or not. We care if they do their job to the best of their ability. 

And I don’t have to watch a boiling pot to make sure it doesn’t boil over the side or is too low temp. Win win win!

Yes, that recipe is a favourite in my house. So easy and bursting with flavour and comfort.

I finished my Ravellenics socks late last night, so I got a gold medal from Bobicus Maximus :D

It looks like there’s a fancy blue censor bar across his chest o.O

Same Kinja shenanigans are happening for me.

Well bloody said!

I completely forgot about it until now, but Showering made me feel good enough about my self to actually leave the apartment to go grocery shopping (a short trip) and bake buns and fry tiny burgers for dinner last night. It is amazing what a shower can do for me and also amazing how hard it can be to DO that shower.

Thanks, Pie :) I am excited to see how it looks and behaves when it gets finished too.

I showered and washed my hair. I have been in a real deep depression funk for a while and the self-loathing got worse with the not showering and then I felt like showering even less and queue more self-loathing and so on. Depression is such a cruel monster and I wish everyone suffering from it well.

Needle felting?